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I desperately need a tap


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I'm desperately in need of a tap to thread a 23 mm hole.

Does anyone know of a shop of tool supplier who will so adventurous as to stock large taps and dies.

The local boys just look blankly at me as if I've described an alien space ship landing in Charante Maritime.

Its a long shot but I've very few option open.


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I don't think I've ever seen tap & die sets in the average tool merchant. But I remember watching a local plumber (in the Gers) set up a mobile on-site workshop to do some largeish diameter galvanised pipe work, and he was cutting threads and doing a lot of complicated and beautifully creative work. So you might try asking your local plumber or heating engineer if he can help you out.

Good luck

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I use a proffesional supplier here in France for my business; Otello.com . I

I have just looked through their catalogue and they have about twenty pages of taps, but non in in 23mm. Just rising from 2mm up to 26mm in 2mm increments.

Are you sure it is 23mm?



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Thanks for the tips guys..


I admitt that in the late evening with my glasses not on straight I might have missed a mm.... perhaps its closer to 24mm...... (measured from valley to valley)


Thanks for the links... I'll go shopping....



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