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Pool fence


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We are looking for some system of fencing off a swimming pool to comply with new French legislation. The estimates from French builders for metal/wood fence range from €5,500 to €8,000 for a pool size 12mx6m. Seems a bit steep to us. Anyone got any tips on cheaper options?
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Having read most of the stuff about pool security I'm considering buying a rigid pool cover for less than 2,000 Euros. I'm assured that it meets the new AFNOR regs. and I would not need any other form of security (no fences, alarms, etc). If anyone has experience of this cover made by www.albiges.com I would love to hear from you. (I have no connection with this company and was led to it through another forum).

Also, I'm surprised that a previous member has been advised that an alarm is all that they need. What happens if a child falls into the pool when the owners are away (ie. away from the alarm)? I would strongly urge your friends to research a bit further, especially through this forum, as I understand that an alarm would NOT satisfy the regs.


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An AFNOR approved alarm does satisfy the legal requirements.  Perhaps if you get a copy of the AFNOR regulation (NF P 90-306), you can review the exact items that will suffice.  It is about 80 pages long !!  And it isn't free as AFNOR charges to send it to you (amazing).  However, it will define the entire process/law.


11, Avenue Francis de Pressense


Saint Denis La Plaine CEDEX



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I am certain that pool alarms approved by the French authorities comply with the regulations but you are right in what you say about false security.   I have a pool alarm and wish I had gone for a cover or fence as I found myself stressing time and again to parents renting our property that it does not negate them from parental responsibility and that they should still keep an eye on children by the pool.   I spent the whole summer worrying if parents were keeping an eye, praying for the end of the season when it would no longer be an issue - we are living there next year and have no children.

I would go for a cover or fence every time going forward.




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Pool Alarms are Ok if you intend and can remain within 20 seconds of the pool in order to hear the alarm, register it going off, get to the pool, jump in, retrieve the little darling(s) and then get out.

More likely the object thrown into the pool, by the little darlings, will set the alarm off with the splash; still all that running will keep you fit, and a nervous wreck.

But what will you do when you leave the property, to go shopping, to UK, etc? What can happen when no-one is there officially? Who will attend to the alarm calls?

In the country, no fences; what will you do about a pool with just an alarm if a animal such as a deer gets in the pool? Ever looked closely at deers' feet, lovely knife edges to the hooves; make a lovely job of slicing up a pool liner. Will the insurance cover a new liner?

Just an alarm, no pool cover, well now autumn is here, all those leaves sinking and rotting ready for you to spend cleaning it for the first week of your summer visit.

Best idea, an AFNOR approved fence with child proof gate AND a security winter cover or 'Abri'. Expensive but not as expensive as a visit from an AFNOR inspector or, heaven forbid, another child drowning.

Still one can always fill the pool in and visit the local 'piscine', save a lot of bother and expense if that is what one is attempting to achieve by just relying on an alarm.


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Hi all, I was searching the net and came across some info on pool fencing and from what I can work out, you can put up a standard wooden fence (bit like a garden  fence) providing it is within the correct height restrictions and has a self closing safety gate. from what everyone on the forum is saying about the legislation etc, does this mean the above info is incorrect or can we put up a standard fence. If anyone has any ideas/info etc, it would be greatly received.  As you say, the consequences of an incorrect fence don't bare thinking about.

thanks in advance


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