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TVA at 5.5% confirmed for next year!


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I have had two artisan bills with a TVA rate of 5.5% and in

both cases I had to sign something that stated that the house was more than two

years old and that it was my main residence. 

I don’t know if this a general requirement or just something these two

are doing.

My experience re getting artisans is the same as Ron’s –

very difficult to find and very long times before the work can be carried

out.  Most will come round and look very

quickly.  Then getting the price is

quite a challenge and getting the work done takes forever (hence having been

here over two years I have had only two artisan bills).  It is a very good question to ask as to why

a builder can start at short notice and is he as good as you would like ?


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Ron and Diemos have given the answers in a nut shell (or two)

"I had to sign something that stated that the house was more than two years old and that it was my main residence.  I don’t know if this a general requirement or just something these two are doing."

Deimos, signing the slip of paper is normal procedure but the property concerned does not have to be your main residence.  As has been said before it is the property that qualifies, not the owners.

The properties do have to be over two years old for the work to qualify for the 5, 5% T.V.A. rate.

Yes,  it is worth remembering that you need to book work well in advance with the builders, plumbers, carpenters et al,  however they have always come to our aid if there has been an emergency such as a leak in the roof. 

We have been very pleased and impressed with all the work that the local French artisans have done on our house.[:)]


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We are experiencing a very slow renovation/extension at the moment. Everything which is done is done to a high standard. But it does need patience and this feeling of happy anticipation/exitement for the build to be finished has vanished long ago because no plans can be made as to when we will be able to move in. We are now just trying to relax and trying to look at the positive side (A year ago we did not even have the planning permission yet!). Who knows we might be excited again one day about the whole project!

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Just to confirm Sc's reply that there will be no decision until at least January 24th. My accountant confirmed this today when I took the yearly accounts in and he is a specialist building accountant who keeps upto date with all the new rules etc.
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[quote user="Gabe"]This has probably been covered before, but.... We are just starting the renovation of our house, (no heating, no kitchen etc) but are still resident in England until next summer. How do we register/apply to benefit from the reduced TVA ? Can we benefit if we are presently not French tax payers ?Gabe[/quote]


Hi Gabe,

If you advise your department, maybe someone in that department will recommend Artisan's to you. If you enquire soon they will advise a start date which hopefully will fall in with your plans. The TVA discussion has been going on in Brussels for what seems like forever, however not a lot us individuals can do about that other than hope our work is completed and the Facture is paid before any rise of TVA.

I would advise you also when you find an Artisan to incorporate in the signed Devis a penalty clause whereby the Artisan is penalized should the work not be completed to the agreed time-scale. We done this and paid agreed amounts to the Artisan when required and our work was done ahead of time and to our satisfaction with costs as original Devis. This way they were happy getting paid in stages and obviously we were delighted with there work.

Our timescale, which may help you estimate, for renovating was:- converting unused grenier into 3bedrooms 2xbathrooms,new kitchen, new downstairs s/room, full electrical refit, full plumbing refit, new fosse septic, thereafer painting and decorating interior 4mths (all done by Artisans).

 I wish you every success in your renovations, France is a truly lovely place to live in our personal opinion.


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Thanks Apero,

I will read all of the relevant strands of this thread before I ask anymore questions, as they may have been answered already. But if not I will comeback to you if I may. As it still is a bit of a mystery.

Best regards and Joyeux Noel


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Thanks, no problem at all, we had good advise on our renovations and it can be quite daunting, but truly worth it in the end when you look at what you have achieved from humble beginings.

Have a happy christmas and a guid new year, lets toast to more beaurocratic delays[D]


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