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Why is an "Attestation" required


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I have just had a new fuse board fitted by a local electrician who both responded quickly and has (on the face of it) done a good job. His wife came around with the facture which had the incorrect address (a new one will be forthcoming) and also a form labelled "Attestation" which I believe I have to complete.

It seems to be a basic form where I am being asked to state that it is my house and that I have lived there or owned the property for more than two years.

My translation may be flawed , however I was wondering if anyone else had been asked to complete a similar form and what is its purpose.


Many thanks,




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Qiute simply Mike, the Attestation is so that your artisan can support the 5.5% TVA that he should have charged you for the work, he can claim back the difference he may have paid for the materials etc..  You will normally complete one for any "renovation" works that you have done by Artisans where and as long s it lasts, the 5.5% TVA applys
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It seems to be a basic form where I am being asked to state that it is my house and that I have lived there or owned the property for more than two years.


Mike it is the house that has to be over 2 years old to qualify, yes you need to sign to say you are the owner but it doesn't matter how long you have lived there or owned the place.

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Just to add that these attestations are subject to review and control by the TVA authorities if they so wish to do an inspection of the accounts and must be produced to verify the scale of TVA charged. Commercial premises do not count.
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