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Water Connection


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Have just had the Devis for connection of water to our building site, from SAUR.  We are talking a distance of just a few metres and to my mind the charge is enormous.  If you don't mind sharing the info, can I ask what any of you may have paid for this service?


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[quote user="Harley"]Have just had the Devis for connection of water to our building site, from SAUR.  We are talking a distance of just a few metres and to my mind the charge is enormous.  If you don't mind sharing the info, can I ask what any of you may have paid for this service? 


We had a quote to connect us back in 2004 and it was about €2300 for a distance of about 50 yards. That quote was for them to do all the work (dig the trench, install the pipes and meter, redo the road surface) excluding the connection from the meter (always installed at the edge of the boundary) onwards into our house.

We also asked them for a quote for the meter only, (i.e. we would take care of the trench and making good), but the difference in the quotes was not enough to justify employing a builder, not mentioning the potential for "who did what" and "not my fault, gov" in case of a problem further down in time.

I believe the quotes tend to be on the high side as the SAUR do not want to attract more customers in regions where there are known water shortages.

Is this the case wher you are? I'm not talking about the rain and snow of the last few days (weeks!), but about the low water tables in some areas of France.

In the end, we decided against the work and plod on happily with our eau de source, which has supplied the hamlet since the 50's...

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Three years ago all three of our services cost roughly the same amount.

1200 euros for water,1400 euros for edf, and 900 euros France Telecom that was just for crossing the road and providing the connection at the edge of our property.

We then paid for the work inside our land.

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We had well water before and it was contaminated, so it had to be boiled or we used bottle water. The pump was noisy and unreliable. €10k for proper, clean water (it even tastes good) was well worth it - but we had to have 400m of piping, and as I say the commune stumped up.

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My quote from SAUR was for 4000 euros to get the water supply 150 meters further up the hillside than the nearerst neighbour. There was a gentle slope about 10 degrees. Apparently the largest part of the quote was for digging the trench for the pipe which has to be 1metre below ground level. I got a revised devis from them for 2000 euros after i'd obtained a quote for 1000 euros from a firm who do trenching  so I would advise asking for a breakdown of the charges and see if you can save some money. The benefit of giving the utility company the whole job is of course peace of mind.. The trench will be dug properly, and refilled properly and on time and at the fixed price.

You lose accountability and control over timescales if you split the job up.. the saving has to be worth it !!!

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