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Timber Treatment


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Can anyone help?
We are in the process of buying a property in Mayenne. On visiting the property we noticed that the timber beams and the walls in the barn are blackened, I presume from when animals were kept inside. Well it was also noticed that some woodworm treatment would need to be done. I have heard of people sand blasting the timbers prior to treatment, and was wondering why you could not just as easily jet wash them with an industrial power washer. Surely there would not be as much mess to clear up after either.
And at a cheaper cost I would have thought.
Please if anyone has tried this could they let me know if it was OK.

Thanks Marcus & Carolyne.
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A power washer will only remove surface grime. Sandblasting actually abrades the top layer of wood.

Too much water, in any case will "Raise" the grain.

Any old wood is stained by various types of material, which acts like woodstain and actually sinks into the wood's fibres.

Some people just leave them black as they prefer the old appearance. Always an option.


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