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"FB" Fioul Chaudiere


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I've been quoted €3,700 for the following:

Chaudiere fiuol a ventouse (Marque 'FB'), puissance 22 a 28Kw comprenant bruleur, ventouse horizontale, accessoires....

Firstly, does this seem reasonable?  Secondly, does anyone have

one of these boilers?  What type of oil should I run it on - I

gather there are different qualities...

Also, where should I get the Fioul?  I see Leclerc do a fioul delivery service...

I'm a total oil heating novice, obviously.  Good old gas in the UK.......

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Impossible to comment on "reasonableness" of quote, without more info.

Is this just for supplying and installing the boiler and flue? i.e. replacing an existing boiler in a heating system. By your description, it seems to include the boiler, the bruleur, and the ventouse forced flue system: accessories mens nothing! Does the boiler come with the circulating pump and the expansion tank? Some do, some don't. If a replacement, has an allowance been made for an upgraded fuel feed system with feed and return pipes? Essential under new safety and environmental regs.

Does the cost include the cuve (storage tank); if so what type of tank? i.e. is it internal or external? Is it single or double bund? (i.e. single or double skinned or if single, installed within a concrete bund, correctly built according to the new regulations.).

What make of boiler? The price varies enormously. Is it heating and hot water or just heating?

Wher are you situated, geographically? This will predicate the grade of oil you buy. If your area experiences considerable low ambient external temps, then you will be compelled to buy the better grade of oil which resists "waxing" when cold.

Suppliers: there are normally various specialised dealers who will agree a contract which can include the annual maintenance and safety certification: essential for economic operation and insurance purposes.

One of the local franchised builder's merchants such as Toute Fait tend to be the most competitive.

Please provide more detailed information for better answers.


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I bought my CH boiler and burner from leroy merlin ( up to 35Kw output)

(Thanks and acknowledgements to 'opelfruit' the CH guru!) last year and

installed it last september has run fine without any other than initial

teething problems. The package (new) cost about 700 Euros, the 1000

litre fuel tank  for the fioul de chauffage was bought secondhand

for 199 Euros  and the chimney bits cost about 30 Euros from

local  bricolage.

 Supplier (industrial diesel oil) also known as Mazout or Fioul de Chauffage from loads of suppliers including Leclerc.

Friends of ours had a full CH system  installed by local plumber

including a larger boiler than mine, 16 radiators including installing

concrete base for the bouiler for 11,000 Euros, so your bit sounds a

bit over egged!

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