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How much do I need


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Thanks Pierre and Ogleflakes

I do need concrete when I re read my post I would have advised self levelling ,we have a 4inch level going down to a 2 inch level to make up so definately concrete.

Thanks for the posts guys, now I have to be brave enough to phone around and ask if they supply it!!!



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The term you have been given is for "ready to mix" concrete, i.e 25 or 40kg bags to mix with water yourself.

If you want Redimix i.e concrete delivered by lorry then that is not the term to use but I am sorry I dont have the correct term to hand, just ask for X m3 of beton livré.

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Hi Jaqui

I will be at our barn conversion just outside Le Dorat on Monday 26/3 having cement delivered for some footings. I am using a company called Betons Vicat from Limoges.

I will let you know the outcome, price/service etc

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[quote user="lespins"]

Hi Jaqui

I will be at our barn conversion just outside Le Dorat on Monday 26/3 having cement delivered for some footings. I am using a company called Betons Vicat from Limoges.

I will let you know the outcome, price/service etc


 hi ok

   just for info ..if you are going to buy "ready mix " for footings get          " self placating concrete".   invented in Franc save you a lot of work


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1 cubic metre of concrete = dosage 350kg ciment

                           800 litres of gravel

                           400 litres of sand

autonivelant is self levelling concrete which is used for floors

autoplaçant is for vertical structures

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