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Complete France Forum

PVA / Unibond ?


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You can get PVA glue here in France but not where you would expect to find it.

You don't mention where you live but if you have a large art store near you (probably an out-of-town shed store near a grand surface supermarket) they have PVA in their modelling sections.  In 1 or 5 litre bottles.

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They sell PVA in all of our local brikoz. It is normally in the section that has the 'colle' and marked PVA Colle... I have not yet been able to find out if it's the water resistant or the normal stuff that gives you back the kit form if it gets wet though???

The stuff I got was in a round white tub and held about a 2 1/4 lb amount. I think that the locals have a weight for it, but it seemed like a strange weight to me being 2 1/4 lbs?[8-)]

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