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Washing Machine


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This doesn't really fit under 'House Renovations' other than in that if

I don't find out how to set the delay start on my machine, and flood

the bathroom one more time I'll have to replace the floor entirely!

We run it on the heures creuse, which is fine overnight, but - with

only 2 hours in the afternoon - if one is a bit late setting it going

it's likely not to have finished by the time the meter turns it off,

and (of course) the interlock doesn't stay working once there's no

power so - hey presto! wet feet and 2 gallons of water all over the



Is there anyone out there with an Indesit WI10 who can tell me

how to run it on delay start? If I turn the control knob to '4hrs'

(say) it simply motors round to the programme setting again and sets

off. What's the trick?

and - yes - I have tried the Indesit site for an on-line manual and Google.

p (the one with yet another pair of wet shoes and socks)

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[quote user="londoneye"]

Sorry - nothing to do with washing machines.

Does everyone who has Heures Creuse get 2 hours in afternoon also (as well as at night)?   I am sure I don't ????


No, it varied from region to region  (I think the amount of heavy

industry in the region is a factor). Here in Limousin we have the offer

of a  2-hour period anywhere between 14 and 17h30 (I think it was)

which is set by the technicien when he installs the meter. In our other

house in Pays de la Loire there was only the overnight period. The

total hours per day is still the same, of course, but I have to say the

afternoon top-up time is a Godsend.


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[quote user="Nicos"]No idea about your actual machine- but could you use a timeswitch plugged into the wall? You could prepare the machine well ahead of time and know it will start up at your required time.

Just a thought!


It's clear to see you don't live in this chaotic household!


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We get our two hours in the afternoon, have had it since we completed the build four years ago,

I think there are various patterns, and they are allocated at random when the supply is set up. Some people have even said that they were offered a choice.

Its all about spreading the load on the distribution network.

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Hello Gyn_Paul

How is life treating you well I hope

Have had a word with a good friend of mine (washing machine engineer) and he has had a look through his service manuals and cannot find your model now I know you are not silly but did you get the model number from the booklet or off the back or front of machine? if off the front could you have a look on the back just to see if the number on the plate is different, you may have already done this, if this is the case sorry cannot help.



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[quote user="Gyn_Paul"]OK, I'll broaden the question a little.....

Does anyone out there have a washing machine with a delay start function? If so, how do you programme it ?

(now we'll see how many chaps have the slightest clue how their domestic appliances function [:D])


[/quote]I have a delay function on my dishwasher but not the washing machine, so I just have a cheapo time at the socket end, which is programmed so the power goes on at lunchtime (heures creuses from 12.30 - 14.00 here) and again overnight.

Sorry, I can't help with your survey.[;-)]

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Trouble is with Indesit is that they market the same machine with different numbers for different countries.   I suspect they all have the same 'insides' and its just the Crippleware that inhibits some of the higher functions on the cheaper models.  However, I am a chap and I know how to do this on my indesit coz it has buttons and a screen.  Press the button to the left of the little screen until an unconvincing representation of a clock appears, then press the button on the right to cycle round the delay times, to select the one you want, press the left button again.  (this assumes you have already loaded the machine and selected program) After the approriate delay (from 1 to 10 hours I think) off it goes.

Just a thought, if I read the OP right, the problem is the electricity being cut off to that socket when the rate changes?  If so, there is no way a delay function is going to operate with no 'lectrickry going to the machine - same for timers unless battery powered.

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I have a delayed start function on my Ariston WM, but it's electronics rather than buttons and I can program it up to 24 hours in advance...

I use a timer set to activate the dryer during off-peak times (2-7am and 2-5pm).

The timer "comes on and off" everyday but the dryer will only work when I set it to do so.

PS: I'm a girlie too, sorry...[:$]

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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

Trouble is with Indesit is that they market

the same machine with different numbers for different

countries.   I suspect they all have the same 'insides' and

its just the Crippleware that inhibits some of the higher functions on

the cheaper models.  However, I am a chap and I know how to do

this on my indesit coz it has buttons and a screen.  Press the

button to the left of the little screen until an unconvincing

representation of a clock appears, then press the button on the right

to cycle round the delay times, to select the one you want, press the

left button again.  (this assumes you have already loaded the

machine and selected program) After the approriate delay (from 1 to 10

hours I think) off it goes.

Just a thought, if I read the OP right, the problem is the

electricity being cut off to that socket when the rate changes? 

If so, there is no way a delay function is going to operate with no

'lectrickry going to the machine - same for timers unless battery



Oh that my machine was so sophisticated!  No screens - little or

otherwise and just the one knob with all the programme numbers on it

and the last 4 segments being '2h, 4h, 6h and 9h'.  2 other

smaller controls: the spin speed and the wash temp, and a few buttons:

quick wash, extra rinse, and pre-wash.

As you will have guessed, I got it second-hand, (here in France) and without the instruction manual, obviously.

If I could get the timer function to work I would leave it plugged into

an untimed socket with no bother, but as it is, I think

loading/unloading wearing wellies is probably the safest bet.

The buggar of it is that it's in a particularly dark corner of the room and

it's difficult to spot it's actually full of water until the second you

apply pressure to the door release. Not unlike the way you realise, as

you are slamming the car boot, that  the car-keys are sitting on

top of the shopping, and you are about to entomb them. The realisation

occuring at the very micro-second that the decending boot lid or

tail-gate leaves you finger-tips!


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<<with only 2 hours in the afternoon - if one is a bit late setting it going it's likely not to have finished by the time the meter turns it off, and (of course) the interlock doesn't stay working once there's no power>>

If it's on a socket that's only powered during heures creuses and (as I understand it) the programmer is mechanical, why not just set it up with the programmer and as soon as the power comes on it should run. In effect you're using the feed to the socket as a timer.

Sorry if I've got the wrong end of a stick here.






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I have an indesit like this!

Set the dial to the hours you require, then wait for the light to do a series of flickers (about 6 seconds or so), when it stops, turn the dial to the programme you require.  The light will then flash steadily counting the time away and during this time you can open the door to add anything you have forgotten. 

If you set it wrong or part of a remaining programme isn't finished then it will advance to the programme already set and start/continue straight away

If it still doesn't work you have to call a specialist Indesit man out who will check it with a little plug in computer!  We asked at MDA when ours broke and they said only certain places repair Indesit 'cos they are so tricky! 

Hope that helps


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[quote user="Fridgeman"]

Come on Paul we are all dieing to know if you got your washer working.





you sad bunch !! [;-)]


Well based on Tracy's assurance that she has one like it, I have

followed her instructions and it seems to have done the required

quantity of flashing and has managed to sit still on programme 2 without

a) starting, or b) motoring round to some other setting, so in about 4

hours time it should burst into life..... or not.   Tune in

tomorrow for the next exciting installment....


[honestly the things some ex-pats are reduced to doing in the name of entertainment [:D] ]

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[quote user="Nicos"]I hope that you have remembered to put the soap in??????[:-))]


I did, and what's more it worked !

So thank you TracyK and Fridgeman et al for taking an interest. All I

need now is a clock in there so we can calculate 4 or 6 or 9 hrs on,

since neither of us wears a watch these days (haven't done so since

ceremonially taking it of when we drove onto the ferry to come here

permanently 5 years ago).

Now, about this ventilated roof space.........


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