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New Fosse to be installed, what about the old fosse?


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We have to install a new fosse septic at our property. We have received and accepted a devis for this work. We will install a Neve Environment T5 unit due to no space for a soakaway.

However after putting our thinking caps on we have a question to those of you out there with superior knowledge to our almost zero knowledge on this fascinating subject.


The devis does not include any emptying or removal of the existing fosse. The new fosse will be installed adjacent to the existing fosse. If we do not empty, remove, of fill in the old fosse what if any problems could we experience in the near and distant future?

 We are also contacting the contractor for his advice but would prefer to be ‘advised’ as best possible. Also as we are due to leave France next week leaving the contractor under the watchful eye of our neighbour we would like to know if we need to ‘add’ to the devis to include removal/filling in of the old fosse.


Many thanks


John & Julie

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