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Contract blow!

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We received our contract this morning for our off-plan apartment purchase, and the plan is to go over for the signing next month.

However, on looking at it we see that the swimming pool has moved from right at the side, away from us, to directly in front of our apartment, at the end of the terrain. This means that we will constantly see it from our balcony, it will be very noisy in the summer months, and trees that we would have looked out on will be removed!

Does anyone know if this sort of thing is a normal occurrence?

Apparently all the people who have already signed their final contracts are being asked to agree with this plan; if one person doesn't agree, the change will not take place. I do wonder if inducements will be offered - but I'm feeling very suspicious! We are now being expected to sign without knowing the outcome of this proposal; we have told them we are not prepared to proceed until we do know the outcome. This doesn't inspire confidence in the builders - who are a large concern, begin with B and also have a mobile phone network.

Nice to be able to sound off to people who have had upsets of their own over moves etc!


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Gardengirl, I have a lot of experience with co-prop sites and having a communal swimming pool directly in front of your appartment is a recipe for aggravation - for you.

personally I would suggest that you should not agree to the change as it will impinge too much on your privacy and will affect your daily life - I would wonder why they want to move it fom the original position?

listen to your instincts in my opinion.

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  • 1 month later...

Just to let those who offered advice (and anyone else who's interested!), we held out against signing the contract for our apartment. We heard on Thursday that the pool will not now be moved. All 22 of the people who had already signed had to agree to the move. Apparently only 7 responded to the deveopers letter; 6 were for & 1 against. So we are very pleased, and have given the go-ahead for the signing at the notaire's office next month.

Apparently the developers had not realised that having the pool towards the side of the development would mean it will be in shade most of the time! We chose to have a south-facing apartment because we will be there mostly in the winter (too hot for us in the far south in high summer); apparently a big building firm had no-one who could give them basic info on where to put their pool!


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