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Can anyone advise me please as to what the approximate daily rate is for a plumber, electrician and decorator in France.  We are moving to Lot&Garonne area early next year and need all 3 for our house, but not sure what the going rate is.  Any advice will be much appreciated.


Many thanks.

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I agree with what Nick says but just to give you an idea of hourly rates around here we have paid the following within the last 18 months for repairs and maintenance:

Plumber - Forfait déplacement (which I think is the same as a callout charge) 18€ and then 35€ per hour.

Electrician - 39€66 per hour

Decorator - sorry can't help.

These rates are subject to TVA at 5.5% or 19.6% although you'll need one of the artisans to explain whuch one applies and in what circumstances.

I would think that a daily rate, if such a thing existed, would be a multiple of these.

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The going rate for an artisan is between 120 and 200 euros per day depending on the type of work and the tooling that he may have to hire. So in the Lot where we are for example, a Mason will charge about 50 euros per square metre to redo an outside wall in 'Pierre Apparente' ours also said that the price would be the same were he to redo the wall in Crepi (a cement type render) because the work involved was essentially the same. Our electrician is about 20 euros per hour and he works hard, our plumber works off a book which has standard prices for standard jobs ie central heating installation and placing a radiator, these prices are controlled against excessive inflation by the state; the price differentials come with the cost of the items that you choose. 

I would advise you to call into your local Mairie and introduce yourselves to the Maire, because if you are going to do structural work to the house you may need a 'permis de construire' and there are other types of work which will need an 'Autorisation de travaux' (eg a swimming pool) or a roof renovation.  Equally the Mairie will normally have a community magasine which will list the local artisans; a brief conversation with your French neighbours showing them which artisans you are looking at will get you either positive or adverse comments and normally if you trust your local friends and neighbours then their judgement should suffice. I would recommend that you specify clearly in your request that the artisan clear up after him and if the job involves removing old stone (ie when you create a hole for a window) then you state that you wish to retain the stone, old stone is valuable and can be sold or used for other renovation projects. In France once you have received and accepted a devis (quote) then unless you change it, the artisan is bound by it, so also ensure that you specify the time constraints that you require. Also if the job is not done don't pay for it until it is, you may have to pay an 'accompte' (deposit), but normally 25-30% is reasonable, do not pay fully in advance. Finally, when the artisan quotes for you, he should have a 'numero de Siret' on his devis; this is his business registration number, it is with that that you can track him down later should you need to. If he has no numero de siret then I would be extremely wary because he will be working on the black. We have just finished a 6 year renovation project and once you overcome the French bureaucracy and established a decent team of artisans then it works well (we have also sacked one builder and one plasterer so it can go both ways). Best of luck the rewards are worth it.

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Many thanks for that.  Very helpful and much apreciated.


We are not actually doing an extension - we are "opening up" an underbuild.  Phase 1 is knocking down an internal wall in the main house, installing a new kitchen (any ideas on this would be helpful, ie. should we buy it here and ship it out or is there anyone you can recommend in the area?) installing a new bathroom, upgrading an existing one and then general decorating work.  Like most women, I would like it to click my fingers and find it is all done!!!!  Dream on.


Good idea about the mairie.

Any advice or recommendations of builders would be appreciated.


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[quote user="Boxmaker"]

The going rate for an artisan is between 120 and 200 euros per day depending on the type of work and the tooling that he may have to hire.


What? Fat chance! No way would I work for that amount - unless you want to pay me cash, of course. Added to which, how many Artisans need to hire equipment? Why don't the Artisans you know have their own equipment?


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The costs of Artisans vary from department to department; down south ie Lot and Lot et Garonne they earn far less than for example in Brittany or in Paris. Because there is less housing density there is less work so for example they don't all own mechanical diggers and large compressors; and the French social charges and charges on companies are so draconian that many of them work as independant traders and therefore don't have the wherewithal to buy in large items that are rarely used. This doesn't detract from the quality of their work nor their abilities, equally the cost of living is less expensive in the Lot than for example Vannes. I've just spent 6 years renovating my farm and the large works I have had to pay for such as repointing the whole house into Pierre Apparente, I merely took the costs from the bill, if I have paid less than you would charge then perhaps I am the lucky one.  Certainly the prices are far cheaper than the UK.  
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I had a quote from an English guy registered in France for his work to repair a roof and it was around 150 per day PLUS whatever he needed to hire to get the job done. These would include all things such as scaffolding, roof ladders etc

I would NOT expect everyone to have EVERYTHING for the work he might come across, it just isnt viable that way.

Nor would I expect ANYONE to attempt to do a job for me WITHOUT the right equipment and if that means paying for the hire then so be it.....

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