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Water Meters


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All new water meters have to be fitted on your boundary and the pipework from the boundary to your house is your responsibility.  You can get an insurance policy to cover any problems to this pipework - the water company themselves try to sell such policies.

[I have an old house and so the meter is immediately outside my front door. [:D] ]


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Just one additional word of warning.  Try to get a reading from the old meter first - mine was changed while we were away during the coldest months, eventually I received a warning about a possible leak (which I thought was very good of them), but found no trace of anything wrong. It dawned on me later that the meter exchange hadn't been taken into account.  Several letters later I've simply had to suffer the cost because of no proof.[:(]


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Thanks everyone for your comments. The reservoir of information is astounding. I believe that failure on my behalf to declare this information may result in me being bogged down in beaurocracy and may lead to flood court proceedings raining down on me. I will swamp the water company with a storm of correspondance in the hope that it will damp down their enthusiasm to fit the meter.


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