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Not sure if which category to post under for this query.

We bought a place between Parthenay and St Maixent (79) a couple of years ago and have been increasing our visits with a view to moving permanently in the next couple of years. We were left a small quantity of fire wood which has slowly dwindled and when we were there just before Christmas in the cold snap we used up the last of the 'decent' bits.

We bought a couple of 80litre sacks from Mr Bricaolage to tide us over but this is obviously an expensive way to go.

Could somebody give me some advice on how and where to buy, what quantities it is sold in, and roughly what sort of prices I should look for?

Many thanks





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My local free paper often carries private ads (petites annonces) offering wood for sale.

You could also ask in the local shops and its' always worth looking in the shop windows, where people sometimes offer goods for sale.

Try looking for "bois de chauffage" in your area in pagesjaunes.fr.

We get ours from our local wood yard (scierie) and they sell large rolls of offcuts (croûtes), which Mr Clair then cuts to size. (I am aware this is not everyone's favourite way to get wood, but we're happy with it).

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This was a problem for us at first. I just kept an eye out in the local shops for little notices and eventually some little flyers appeared for a local forestiere selling wood and they now supply us. You could also ask at the Mairie.
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I agree with the bois de chauffage outlets and the wood yards.  We pay about 30-40 euros a stere or m3 but this is for metre lengths.  Also try the local land owners, they usually have some to spare.  but sometimes its not just Oak, so ask what type of wood they are selling.  The log widths vary, but they also deliver and stack for that price.

We use a woodyard that only sell Oak this has a highercalorific value and leaves little ash.  Mainly from large trunks and they are odd shapes, but last a long time. We pay about 40-50 euros for this, but can be a little difficult to stack.  

Being a northerner I love to make the fire!...

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I asked our farmer down the lane, of whom I was quite afraid, he had stacks and stacks behind his barns and in the forest. He brought it round in 1 meter length and we paid Euros 38 for it. And we were invited for a drink! Ever since our business transaction he has been very friendly.

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pebejay - get to grips with this issue when you're next down here, then  - if the wood is at all wet - it's got the rest of the summer/autumn to dry out before you need it.

I misjudged the amount we'd use over the winter and have had to embark on this year's delivery already and  - although it's technically dry (ie. not green) it's been caught in a downpour or two and will need about a month to get to be really dry. I could kick myself I didn't get it delivered last Spring!


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Our next door neighbour (he runs a wood for heating business) charges for 3 x 1mtr cubes of wood approx 135 Euros and will cut to whatever length you need so I guess around 40-50 Euros seems about right. I did hear it was more expensive in the Massive Central areas (La Souterraine, Bourganeuf), the person telling me couldnt give me any reason for it though.

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[quote user="robbie"]Our next door neighbour (he runs a wood for heating business) charges for 3 x 1mtr cubes of wood approx 135 Euros and will cut to whatever length you need so I guess around 40-50 Euros seems about right. I did hear it was more expensive in the Massive Central areas (La Souterraine, Bourganeuf), the person telling me couldnt give me any reason for it though.


That's more or less the rate for the north of the Creuse, too. I pay slightly more to have it cut to 30 cms lengths to fit the stove.


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