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Problems with a new Viessmann boiler


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Any advice appreciated............

Last year we had an expensive Viessmann boiler fitter which from day one didn't work correctly. The first problem was that it would not reach temperature in its Automatic setting resulting in us having to use the manual over ride to maintain temperature during last winter. The installer called out a Viessmann technician who replaced a part and lo and behold the boiler worked fine until the 1st week of December when the same problem occurred again.

Our installer again called out a Viessmann technician who started to go on about the boiler room being too hot (spoke to Viessman UK who said this was bxlls). Took parts off and drilled a few holes to insert probes but did not fix the problem.

Further calls to the director of Viessmann (Toulouse) resulted in the technician returning again and swapping the main boiler control which seemed to have sorted the problem. However we now have a significant amount of condensation which literally soaks the walls when the boiler is running.

I have called Viessmann UK to outline the problem who said that it sound like combustion gasses leaking into the room and that it could be very dangerous. My installer is now being evasive, and I am unsure as to how safe the situation is. There is good ventilation into the boiler room but I don't know if that helps.

At the moment I am at a loss - therefore any advice (other than turn the thing off - as I need it on to hopefully show the installer should he turn up) will be appreciated.

Many thanks,


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Find someone with a gas analyser who would be able to tell you if the flue/boiler housing is in fact leaking.

A good installer would use a sniffer around the finished installation as part of the job.

Alternatively and as a temporary measure buy a reasonably good CO (Carbon Monoxide) alarm and see if it indicates high CO levels in the boiler room.

Until this problem is sorted out, you should not run the boiler under any circumstances as it could kill you.

Condensation means free water from somewhere: it might be a leak in the hot water or central heating circuit either inside the boiler itself or the pipework. This would normally show up by loss of pressure in the circuit (bearing in mind the system is pressurised to mains water pressure which is significantly high in France).

However it may well be a combustion product leak which is potentially lethal.


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Glad you managed to sort it out.

Worrying that this wasn't checked out properly post installation.

If you haven't already done so, install a CO alarm adjacent to the boiler: just below ceiling height.

Mine lights an LED when small amounts of CO are present and sounds a shrill alarm when it reaches the beginnings of a dangerous level.

Essential bit of kit, these days with any form of heating whih involves combustion!



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