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U value for solid wall


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I am trying to calculate the heat loss from my house in 34 and ultimately attempting to guage size of proposed radiators for a new gas central heating system. Could anyone please tell me what U value I would enter into the calculations for an 18" thick outside wall built of the local large granite pebbles from the nearby river?

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[quote user="Ceejay"]I am trying to calculate the heat loss from my house in 34 and ultimately attempting to guage size of proposed radiators for a new gas central heating system. Could anyone please tell me what U value I would enter into the calculations for an 18" thick outside wall built of the local large granite pebbles from the nearby river?


Ceejay, I had a similar question some long time ago and, as there are many and varied methods of solid stone construction I just assumed the value of concrete would apply and did it that way. I

dont think its of mega importance because its really only the outside

walls that have the delta T unless you are giving each internal room a

different set point. I have assumed all internal rooms are 20 deg C

with outside at -1C. Thus no internal heat transfer thro the internal

stone walls. As we all round up the end numbers and then try to find

rads to match whilst assuming a radiator performance factor the net

effect of getting the U value 'less than correct' is substantially

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 Nicos. My U values on most solid type walls are always calculated on a 18inch solid brick wall,U=.265 based on an outside temperature of 30degree F,rooms or buildings 1.5 air changes per hour, in really exposed conditions i add 10%.  Michael.

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I thought it would bring a smile,but I still do all my calcs in the Roman age. Nicos will prob just add 15 and double it..Anyway the question he asked was answered -- without a lot of waff. Brussels has not sent  me a directive to work in Centigrade yet.and as far as I'm concern B.T.U.s still rules  Michael .  [In UK at the moment with my thermals on, in my house with 2ft thick stone walls thinking about increasing my rad sizes]



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