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is edf confused


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can other tempo users please come on and say what colour day you are on, as I understood it to be that we all go on the same colour, if this is wrong, then I will stop looking at the edf website, I will wail until the evening to check the next day colour. Thanks all
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[quote user="Gail Smith"]

Our light is blue today!




[quote user="Anton Redman"]Presumably different parts of the country. Also possible not all of the red days have been used up so forcing them through before end of March even though no actual need. [/quote]

Gail is a few kilometres from me and ours is saying RED.  The EDF Tempo website is a national website, it does not differentiate between regions therefore I can't see how it matters what part of the country you are in. It is very detailed Anton with history going back several years - it tells us exactly how many red/white/blue days we have used and how many remain, there are no surprises.

I had the email warning last night for a red day and the website says that it's a red day.

EDIT: I've just checked the meter and that says Rouge too.

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Red day today for me, on the Tempo option, just like it said on our little meter last night, and just like it said on the EDF website yesterday - in other words, nothing out of the ordinary, it is just the way they said it would be! Only 9 red days remaining now, hooray!


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... and it's going to be red again tomorrow (hoorah - let's get them over with).

Gail and Fussy - are your terminals/meters still saying blue for today? Maybe your little boxes didn't pick up the signal from the meter and was stuck on Sunday's blue, did you check your meters?

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[quote user="BJSLIV"]

You're not on the older EJP tarrif are you? They are having an ordinary day today, with 15 roughly Reds still to come .

They do have zoning of the red days, but Tempo has only one national zone.


Glad it is not just us on EJP - we were beginning to doubt our red and orange lights - thinking we must have had more red days.  Our french neighbour asked us how much our annual electricity bill was - shocked when we mentioned approx 2/3's of his!!

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[quote user="fussy"]yes still saying blue, can you tell me what meter I have to look on, is it the one that edf come and read.[/quote]

Not at all, it's a tiny little boxy thing which they used to give you when you were joining the Tempo option, it's about 2x3inches and has nothing to do with the usual electricity meter.

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[quote user="5-element"]

[quote user="fussy"]yes still saying blue, can you tell me what meter I have to look on, is it the one that edf come and read.[/quote]

Not at all, it's a tiny little boxy thing which they used to give you when you were joining the Tempo option, it's about 2x3inches and has nothing to do with the usual electricity meter.


Not quite.  When Tempo was originally installed  EDF also changed the actual meter (that gets read by the EDF guy) as it's specific to Tempo and is different to a 'standard' meter and sends the signal to the 'little box' that you can plug in anywhere in your house.  If you look on the screen it says the day's colour in the bottom left corner.  This is what you are actually on for the day.

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Lisleoise, I never realised that the electric meter in the garage, the one that shows electricity consumption and has the on/off switches,  is what sends signals to the little box we plug in the kitchen!..and then of course, there is the outside meter set in the wall at the front of the house, and which gets read by the EDF guy. Quite a complicated set-up then. Electricity works in mysterious ways....
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Can anyone help please??? I have been searching EDF site to try and find the information relating to when the 'red' days are going to happen and the zones etc. but to no avail!!  If anyone out there has the link it would be greatly appreciated.  Many thanks in advance[:D]


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You will only find out the colour of the day at teatime the previous day. Best rule is if its going to be really really cold then it will be red.



You can find out more on the subject and register for the daily email to let you know whats happening tomorrow.

There is only one zone for the whole country. However if you have inherited the older EJP tariff then that does have zones. There is a tab to those details on the page linked above



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