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Can anyone help ith finding a list of words for kitchens, like the electrics glossary? We are trying to arrange a fitted kitchen following a visit to our new apartment last month. We found a kitchen designer/fitter in a nearby village, started thinking of choices, & he sent a design fairly quickly. However, he has no English, & my normally 'ok for most situations' French just isn't up to the job! I want to stick with him, as he seems v good & quick, plus his work looks good; my husband was impressed with his workshop!

I've tried a couple of brico websites, but didn't find what I need. For example, as the kitchen is fairly tight, I want the drainer to be cut into the worktop, so I need to talk about materials eg Corian (I suppose it might be the same as it's a trademark). Also I want large pan drawers; I only know tiroir, & he draws small, neat little things, as for cutlery etc.

It all gets a bit wearing, trying to explain in emails. We can't get back over there before late March, when we will be able to see him again; my only solution so far is to tear out pictures from magazines etc & send them to him.





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Thanks for ideas, on forum & by pm. Have had problems with computer & also email separately; so frustrating!

We're sending some pics from brochures & also have found a couple of things on Ikea that we've looked up.

We've decided to leave the rest till we go over at the end of March, and see the kitchen man then. The developers suggest they will have put right all of the problems in the apartment we found on inspection. Amazing to think they didn't even look at the plans of the changes we had made (& part paid for) before inviting us to inspect! At least they have agreed to pay the majority of the cost of the abortive inspection trip in Jan. 

Thanks again,Jo 

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