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Advice on Premis needed

Jacqui      Too

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I have a couple of queries about the new rules for renovations.

We already have a permis de construire for a new terrace, opening up some doors and windows and demolishing some small buildings,

we gained this permis Jan 2007, but we have only just sent in the declaration to start the work 2 weeks ago, I know the permits lasts for 2 years and you can get it extended, but my question is: will we have to get an extention in November if we have not completed the work? or now that we have started can we take as long as it takes with no extensions?

Secondly we want to do more work: replace old windows for identical ones but double glazed, continue a stone wall (aprox.1m high) and build new gate posts to our back drive, build a small link utility room (less than 20m2) between the house and the barn. What permission do I need for these works?

I know I need to go to the marie but I still would like to have as much info as poss be fore I go!!


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There is no requirement to finish the work within a given length of time  - what could anyone do about it if you hadn't (or in my case couldn't afford) to finish it ?

You will, however, get an enquiring letter from the aurthorities wanting to know if you've finished or not. This is simply so that they can extract more tax from you for the new, improved, living space you have created.

Windows: Assuming you're not in a conservation area you should be free to replace windows on a like-for-like basis (ie. wood for wood, pvc for pvc), but it never hurts to tell the Mairie this is what you are proposing doing.

As for the other stuff, it would have been covered by the old 'declaration de traveaux' but now I think it falls under the new D de P. again the Mairie will tell you.


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Thank you Paul

[quote user="Gyn_Paul"]There is no requirement to finish the work within a given length of time  - what could anyone do about it if you hadn't (or in my case couldn't afford) to finish it ?[/quote]

Makes sense really, maybe the 2 year rule is for starting the work!

[quote user="Gyn_Paul"]
Windows: Assuming you're not in a conservation area you should be free to replace windows on a like-for-like basis (ie. wood for wood, pvc for pvc), but it never hurts to tell the Mairie this is what you are proposing doing. [/quote]

We are not in any conservation area so should have no problems, all the same I think we will add them to the other work that we do need a D de P for.

[quote user="Gyn_Paul"]
As for the other stuff, it would have been covered by the old 'declaration de traveaux' but now I think it falls under the new D de P. again the Mairie will tell you.[/quote]

I have had a look at Clare's info about the new rules, which was excellent.

I have a book about renovations in France but it was printed before the new rules, looks like I need a new book! I like to do as much research as possible about most things I do and then there shouldn't be any surprises!! [:-))]

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Hi Jaqui Too

I don't know if the rules differ from department to department, our application and plans for the permis constuire were done by the architect and we were told we have five yrs to complete the work (not including internal decor etc) which was also confirmed at the Impots.  Have you tried to contact the DDE they will probably be able to clarify the timescale for you ( I think, I am no expert!!!) Happy renovating[:D]


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[quote user="jetlag"]

Hi Jaqui Too

I don't know if the rules differ from department to department, our application and plans for the permis constuire were done by the architect and we were told we have five yrs to complete the work (not including internal decor etc) which was also confirmed at the Impots.  Have you tried to contact the DDE they will probably be able to clarify the timescale for you ( I think, I am no expert!!!) Happy renovating[:D]



This what it say on our permis de contruire (copy / pasted)

DUREE DE VALIDITE : Le permis est perime si les constructions ne sont pas entreprises dans Ie delai de deux ans a compter de sa delivrance ou si les travaux sont interrompus pendant un delai superieur a une annee. Sa prorogation pour une annee peut etre demandee deux mois au moins avant I'expiration du delai de validite.

So I take it that as long as the works do not actually stop for more that 10 months your can carry on without renewing the permis!

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Jacqui, rather than speak to the people at the Mairie, I'd wander down to the Mairie and ask for the person responsible for this sort of thing on the Council (Commission de Batiment) to come down to your place and have a chat with you over coffee.  Worthwhile spending an hour or so going through your plans with the person responsible locally (ie in the Commune) who will know whether there is any restriction on changes locally, keeps the Council onside and you'll have been seen to be doing stuff above and beyond.
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