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Well, well. What well pump?


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Our well in the new house is 29m deep to the water surface. Assuming (not sure) 1m depth of water (it flows and links 4 other wells through the hamlet), what would be a cost-effective pump/method to:

a.    lift the water 30m to the top sufficient to fill buckets; or

b.   pump the water another 30 - 50 metres for watering.

Would the pump need to be submersible, or could a surface pump do the job? And is there a formula for working out power/lift/volume/pressure etc.? I'd like to draw the water the cheapest way possible (not by hand...) as long as it could work out cheaper in the long run than turning on the tap.

Many thanks. [:D]

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The pump would have to be submersible, or at least happy to live down the well within 10metres of the water level. There is no pump that can suck water up from 30 metres because on the suction side the system relies on atmospheric pressure to force the water into the vacuum or partial vacuum created by the pump, and the atmospheric pressure equates to about 10m of water. Any more suction than that and you will just have a 10m column of water with a vacuum above like a giant barometer.

A submersible pump pushes the water and the only limit on the height is the strength of the pump and associated pipework.

I cannot help with a formula for pressure/flow etc, but most pumps have a specification sheet that will tell you what they are capable of.

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I've often wondered about the people who dug these wells. Was it a specialist job? There are dozens of wells in our village alone. I can't imagine digging 15 metres (the depth of our well) through mainly rubble-like stone, how claustrophobic and dangerous it must have been!


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