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Complete France Forum

VMC - Continuous running

Alan Zoff

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[quote user="jondeau"]

Well........it's called democracy, and this is an example of democracy in action where the populace debate the laws passed by the legislature in order to understand their reasoning and their validity.

There is nothing more fataly wounding to democracy than complacency and blind adherence to the law.


Rubbish. Nothing is more wounding to democracy that trying to circumvent democratically-created legislation. Besides which, that isn't what (others) were doing. They were boasting/trying to prove a point/showing their ignorance of the law etc etc.

Surely, debate without resolution (there can be no resolutions here) is meaningless and consequently counter-democratic?

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Not sure who the "They" are supposed to be but as the OP with a near-100 year-old house without natural gas (if you exclude some of those emitting from the smallest rooms), I put the VMC in voluntarily to control smells. In that case, I would be surprised if I am breaking the law by choosing not to run it continuously.

I would have posed the question under another title had I expected it to prove so controversial. Or rather, I wouldn't have posted it at all.

But as I have already said, I am grateful for those responses that have been helpful to me. Perhaps if someone wants to continue a debate on whether you are entitled to live in another country if you do not adopt every habit of that country to the last detail or on the meaning of democracy, it's time to start another thread under a more suitable heading. This is in House Renovation after all.

But that's me done on this.  Many thanks.

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[quote user="Nearly Retired"]

WJT said:

"Is it worth putting a VMC in an old stone property for ventilation?

Having said that, it would be impossible to convince my husband that it is a good idea to leave the electrics on when the house is vacant because he is a real worrier with things like that but perhaps it would be good for when we are in the house."

We have the same concerns and have put vents into the glass leaving them open and the shutters shut when we go away. That seems to work OK.

I'm working (well - thinking a lot anyway) on a solar powered VMC system so we could have a fan whirring around with the electricity turned off. I'll have the scheme cracked in a year or two and I'll get back to you then.




Nearly Retired, I have done a search looking for just that and it doesn't seem to exist, in fact I can remember asking about a solar powered VMC here on the forum and there was a long discussion a while back. It just sounds so logical and I would imagine with some sort of small panel or gadget attached to it on the roof sounds rather simple in theory at least.

If you do develop one, do please let me know how you did it, that is if you aren't too rich and famous because of it to remember little ol' me by then.[:)]

Spg, unfortunately I know he isn't on holiday because I left a message with his wife the other day. I have had all sorts of problems with French artisans but this is a first before they even start the job.[:(]

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Well there we have it then.......an interesting debate I'm sure you'll all agree, so what conclusions can we come to regarding this issue ?


First of all I think we could discount the gas issue despite somebody writing 'over 300 people a year die in France due to this issue'

Well I couldn't find any statistic for France but the British health and safety people (similar population) issued figures for 2006/7 showing that only 8 people

in the UK died of CO poisoning not all of which were in the home, which is quite remarkable as they do not have any mechanical ventilation for houses with gas.


No it must be there to get rid of dampness......and of course various pongs.......


Would I leave mine on if I lived in a house that had one fitted ?..............no better not answer that ......






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The fact is that I am gas qualified and registered for installations in France, despite the opinion stated on this forum I do know what I am talking about

Most deaths are caused by carbon monoxide posioning, which usuaally is caused by incorrect ventilation on gas appliances such as boilers

On modern properties it is law that they are fitted with a VMC

On older properties other methods of ventilation apply

If you wish to argue with this Cegibat publish an illustrated guide to the gas regulations for domestic houses ( maison individuelle ), you can access their website and purchase a copy

This book is about 25euros, it contains about 200 pages applicable to the gas regulations for houses and flats only

Read learn and digest that before you raise opinion

You cannot compare the French gas regulations with the UK regs, the French regs are far more complex and onerous

Why do the moderators sit back and do nothing when serious issues appertaining to gas and other potentially dangerous topics are raised

Le Plombier

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It has been said:  " The fact is that I am gas qualified and registered for installations in France, despite the opinion stated on this forum I do know what I am talking about

Most deaths are caused by carbon monoxide posioning, which usuaally is caused by incorrect ventilation on gas appliances such as boilers"

Mmm........let me think......... I respectfully suggest that most deaths are caused by .....mmmm...... old age, ill health, malnutrition, wars, suicides and a good few more before the effect of burning gas in a closed space gets a look in.

I accept that an awful lot of accidents and subsequent deaths happen in the home, and falling down the stairs is a particularly common one. The French aren't stupid and have solved that one too - as well as VMCs, most new builds are bungalows. 



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