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Types of sewerage disposal


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We have a piece of land with 2 ponds, a stream and a well. We have sited our mobile home on the land [asked the Marie first!] but have trouble in finding info on a type of fosse that we could install. Our problem is that none of our land is more that 35 mtrs from a water supply. Is there a simple system that would conform to modern requirements, but may suit our situation? We use it for holidays only so the use would be minimal. [8-)]

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[quote user="Santa"]

We have a piece of land with 2 ponds, a stream and a well. We have sited our mobile home on the land [asked the Marie first!] but have trouble in finding info on a type of fosse that we could install. Our problem is that none of our land is more that 35 mtrs from a water supply. Is there a simple system that would conform to modern requirements, but may suit our situation? We use it for holidays only so the use would be minimal. [8-)]


hi ok

                If you read the rules for installing a fosse it says  Quote   if the sand filter is fitted closer than 35 mtrs to a water source it must be fitted into a bag


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Take a look at this site for information regarding septic tanks and sewage treatment plants explanations/alternatives.         www.wastetech.biz

They have a section on France regulations etc.

I think you need to get an application from the Marie and the system proposed approved by spank.

Tread carefully as the systems needs to be inspected by the spank peridoically for output quality, which in your case being close to  a  water course needs to be A1. to comply with the current regulations. The quality of the discharge is your legal responsibility.


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[quote user="EBME"]I think you need to get an application from the Marie and the system proposed approved by spank.[/quote]

For the sake of clarity, please note this should read mairie and SPANC (Service Public d’Assainissement Non Collectif).

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We were chatting this over with the bureau d'etudes last weekend, and the 35m limit applies to any well or spring used for human consumption. With a bit a shoving and pushing we should be able to get our epandage far enough away .... it may however need a lift pump to get the water from the fosse uphill .... but that's another story.
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[quote user="La Guerriere"]We were chatting this over with the bureau d'etudes last weekend, and the 35m limit applies to any well or spring used for human consumption. With a bit a shoving and pushing we should be able to get our epandage far enough away .... it may however need a lift pump to get the water from the fosse uphill .... but that's another story.[/quote]

Jim, this is what we had to do back in 2003: http://www.completefrance.com/cs/forums/865289/ShowPost.aspx

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