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What a mess Saur managed to make!


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Members of Saur came calling a few months ago to tell us that in order to give a supply to the new "social housing" being constructed across the lane they would need to tap into our water supply.  We discussed this in some depth with the representatives and they agreed that they would take the supply from within the garage, give us a new meter, seal up the old one in a pit at the back of the house, re-route the pipework alongside the drive and so across to the new houses.  We were not overly happy about this but said we agreed as there didn't seem to be much alternative.  They promised work in 4 weeks.  Nothing happened in that time and we needed to go away for a few weeks. An enquiry by letter elicited that they had no immediate plans to start work anyway.  Almost immediately we reached the UK a neighbour emailed to say the whole of the garden had been dug up by earth movers and there was a metre deep trench across the front of the house (ie from the old meter) and down the drive, probably about 60 metres in total.  When we returned we discovered that the drive had been filled in patched up with a mixture of gravel and tarmac (all of mismatched colours), the trench had been filled in but had numerous huge stones and boulders sticking up, the turf had not been replaced, etc, etc.  The pipework had NOT been laid from the garage but via the much longer route, straight across the garden. We dare not go over this ground with our lawnmower in view of all the stones, many of which are completely impossible to budge and the whole place now looks a total mess.

Nothing has been seen or heard of Saur ever since.  Any ideas on what we might be able to do to make sure they at least put things back to how they were originally?

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I assume you have their agreement to do it the way you initially described in writing? If so, my first port of call would be the Mairie, with that, and photos of the finished  installation, and ask for advice.

If you DON'T have it in writing, I'd say you are on thin ice: they will deny ever having agreed to it, point to the fact that you went away, have no memory of your letter etc.

If that's the case, then you will need to ask the Mairie how to get them to come back and put their installation into some proper state of repair.

Knowing French companies, I'll wish you the very best of luck.

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Apart from the mess it seems quite incorrect for them to be starting a supply to a number of properties from what is presumably a branch connection to your house and from within private property.

It begs all manner of questions as to the ownership /  legal responsibility for pipework within your property.It could also restrict your ability to do anything with the land where their new pipe is laid. i assume none of this was agreed in any written form?


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Actually, although we don't have it in writing about the routing of the pipework, we DO have aletter from them specifying how they will "make good".  It also acknowledges they fact that we were away, etc.  Perhaps we have a slight chance then?  I'll pop up to see the maire on Monday with the letters I have.
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