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Rebuilding costs


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Undecided where to post this and decided on here.

Just about to take out new insurance and there is the question of rebuilding costs.

The property is on a concrete raft and of the honeycomb brick type construction with a tiled roof, single storey with the exeption of one room which is far older than the rest and is of stone.

Any views of costs / m2 to rebuild?


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[quote user="Anton Redman"]Have a look at newbuilds and plots near you, price will vary by region. Subtract land from the house but then add a large amount for site clearence. About € 1100 a square metre ? Local insurance broker should have a good idea[/quote]

That looks a bit hefty even by UK prices Anton bearing in mind the the single skin aero brick. and simple raft so no grubbing out of deep footings or isolation of piles. UK Rebuilding tables not much use granted  but for a typical rebuild cost  80% of market value would be a reasonable punt I should imagine.

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Many thanks for the replies - I will go with Antons figure especially as Nick has endorsed it. Think the only way I could get a devis is by burning down the place and then getting a builder round - will give that a miss [:D]


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Page 133 of the January Cover of 'Home Building and Renovation' quotes between £ 933 at 90 sqmetres and £ 698 at 221 square metres for build using main contractor these figures are for the cheapest parts of the UK. Add TVA at 19.6 and a exhange rate of say 1.25. and rember it si a rebuild so you will need site clearence and probable decontamination.



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Apologies Anton I misconstrued what you were saying I read your post as you were saying site clearance costs in the order of 1,100€  I would have said £800 (No VAT on new build in UK )  per square metre for a Bungalow demo and rebuild so I think your figures stack up.
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[quote user="Anton Redman"]

Page 133 of the January Cover of 'Home Building and Renovation' quotes between £ 933 at 90 sqmetres and £ 698 at 221 square metres for build using main contractor these figures are for the cheapest parts of the UK. Add TVA at 19.6 and a exhange rate of say 1.25. and rember it si a rebuild so you will need site clearence and probable decontamination.


Anton - just made a note that you are an optimist. However, pleased to see the pound against the euro improving. We are only in France for about six weeks a year and we still work. My heart goes out to those struggling on UK pensions.

The reason for this is changing insurers from a French one to a UK one (far cheaper). Of the two shortlisted one is a little cheaper, covers rebuiding up to £1m and the other requires an amount and the premium is based on that. However, I am going to go for the second as the conditions that the first has are many and the second states that there are very few conditions which is true.


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