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Quick question on behalf of a friend who doesn't have access to the Internet - he wants to extend part of his terrace by laying a new concrete slab measuring 5 x 2.5 metres.  Because the front of the property is on a slope he will need to build a retaining wall of about 70cm plus 2 steps up at the side.  He spoke to his Mairie who has asked him to complete a 7 page declaration which will then need to be sent to the planning office.  Is this really necessary for such a small amount of work.  Some of the questions asked are totally inappropriate but the Mairie is adament he fills the whole thing in - his French isn't too bad but it will still prove quite a challenge.  He is going to do the construction himself so can't ask a builder to fill it in for him.  Anybody carried out similar work who could advise please?
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I am also going to do some similar small (but not really small) work in my garden - for a large garden shed with solar panels on top. It'll sit on a concrete pad about 4m by 1.5m.

I do understand that permission of some kind has to be obtained but what is the French name for this form/application?

I've already spoken to the maire (he's my nextdoor neighbour) and I don't expect any real problems, but I'd prefer not to appear too ignorant.

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The link below has links to the main forms about planning. The declaration prealable is the one required for thing that do not need full panning permission




Le certificat d’urbanisme - n° Cerfa 13410

La notice explicative pour les demandes de permis de construire, permis d’aménager, permis de démolir et déclaration préalable

La déclaration préalable - n° Cerfa 13404

Le permis d’aménager - n° Cerfa 13409

Le permis de construire - n° Cerfa 13409

Le permis de construire pour une maison individuelle et/ou ses annexes - n° Cerfa 13406

Le permis de démolir - n° Cerfa 13405

La déclaration d’ouverture de chantier - n° Cerfa 13407

La déclaration attestant l’achèvement et la conformité des travaux - n° Cerfa 13408

La demande de transfert de permis délivré en cours de validité - n° Cerfa 13412

La demande de modification d’un permis délivré en cours de validité - n° Cerfa 13411

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Yeah but Steve its a slab of concrete and retaining wall on the frontage of the house, get the owner to ask at the Mairie, you might get a pleasant surprise.

I am currently doing a similar job, 140m2 of block paving, retaining walls etc on a main road frontage, the advice given that permission is necessary is definitely correct but things at Mairie level may be more or less complicated depending on local politics and your own standing in the community.

In my case the secretary, SWMBO, who wields the real power in my commune, after looking at my sketches told me "Pas necessaire, vous n'avez pas de souci" good enough for me, even if someone were to complain I know that the Maire is more frightened over her than me!

In the past when I have canvassed the Maires opinion on other building work (not visible from the road) he apprised me of the local by law of "ni vu, ni connu" a refreshing difference to my local planning authority in the UK that sent up a photography plane to nab me [:(]

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Anton - thanks very much for your helpful advice.

I've now looked at the forms and printed them out. The application form (the declaration prealable) looked OK - well, not impossible. But I was a bit stunned by the number of attachments listed in the "Bordereau de depot des pieces...".

Is there anyone who has gone through this process for a medium-sized garden shed who can list what is actually required by way of attachments to the declaration prealable (unless it really is all 10 items listed on the first page of the bordereau)?

I'd be very grateful for some words of experience!

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