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hager et 221


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Sorry if this is the wrong place to post.

Our jour+nuit heures creuse "Hager ET 221 " has given up the ghost.

It seems to be unavailable in the Bricos around here - does anyone know if any old equivalent will fit/work?

I've found Legrand 1-auto-0 - would they be OK do you think?

Any thoughts/comments appreciated.

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If your HC contacteur is connected to phase and neutre using barres d'alimentation be aware that these can differ between manufacturers making them impossible to fit.

If this is the case you will need to look carefully that the offsets of the phase and neutre are not reversed.

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[quote user="J.Rs gone native"]

If your HC contacteur is connected to phase and neutre using barres d'alimentation be aware that these can differ between manufacturers making them impossible to fit.

If this is the case you will need to look carefully that the offsets of the phase and neutre are not reversed.


Are you sure J.R, I thought the mounting on the Din rail stopped all that now, all standard to prevent such accidents.

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I can confirm that Hager contacteurs do not "line-up" with other manufacturers; the problem is the alignment of the holes for the "barres" as pointed out above. After unsucessfully trying to obtain a new disjoncteur for an additional circuit I rang our electrician (who fitted the tableau) and he told me that Hager is only available to professionals, not "particuliers". sometimes you see items available on French Ebay. I've persuaded the electrician to sell me one!


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Ditto Nalto

I fell foul when 24 hours before a Consuel inspection I found that they did not make a 2 ampere disjonctuer (obligatoire for VMC's and for the heures creuses contacteurs).

I had to change all the dijsoncteurs including the RCD on one rangée for another make which was very expensive, for the record I used F&G disjoncteurs and a Merlin Gerand heures creuses contacteur which were compatible with each other.

To recoup some money I then tried to modify the barres d'alimentation to allow me to use my Nalto RCD as the gender (for want of a better word) was not reversed but the pitch and backset were subtly different as were the size of the contact pins, it took a lot of grinding and tweaking leaving pins looking like drunken dovetails and I still had to make yet another 50 mile round trip to Bricodepot to get a refund. 

I am sure that the European standards for DIN rail mounting were conceived to ensure interchangeability between manufacturers, and indeed that is the case with UK fuseboards but sadly the French manufacturers (= importers of chinese tat) managed to find a way to avoid it.

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That's very useful; I searched for a supplier (obviously not well enough!). The price though is 52€, [:-))] Isn't French electrical stuff dear!!

I think in this instance I'd bid for the ebay item! [;-)]

However, I do need some more items so I'll put this one in my favourites for later!


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