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Drainage and connection to street drains

Mr C

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I've done a quick search, but can find nothing... Hope someone can help, or point me in the right direction.

I am working for a Dutch couple nearby, and they have had lots of work done - and almost all of it is done badly or done wrong.

I don't propose putting it all right - besides it is beyond the scope of my current Auto-Entreprise registration.

I do want to advise them though.

Their village is on mains drainage, but it was recent and down to each household to make arrangements to connect. They brought the pipe to the road, and the water company or council connected it to the road pipes.

Today, someone has come to do some other work, and have uncovered the pipe from the house to the road (because it was not buried deep enough, not in sand, no filet-avertisseur etc...).

And we have found a standard grey 100mm PVC pipe - with some very suspect angles, and no inspection points anywhere.

Apparently, when the water people connected it, they said it was the wrong pipe, but that they would connect it at the responsibility of the householder.

I know what it should be, and I know how it should be enterred... but I can't find the regulations or any kind of guidance note that isn't just my learned knowledge.

Anybody know how to find this, or where, or have a copy they can email??

Or, for my peace of mind, perhaps someone can dare to tell me their opinion so I can be sure I am right...

Thanks in advance - whether or not you can help.

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New house being built near to me has 100mm grey plastic running below ground in as dug material and at one point drops at about 45 degrees and has a green web poly tape running alongside the pipe which has about 150mm cover!

I am hoping the arrangement is temporary as it defies belief.


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