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Emptying a Fosse Toues Eaux


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Our property has not had the Fosse emptied for over 6 years to our knowledge, so probably long overdue.

When the waste has been removed, does the fosse need to be filled up with cold water to maintain any natural starting position again?

Should we expect the waste disposal company to do that, if necessary.

Our house is a holiday home, so not continuos usage all the time (unfortunately!).


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The first tank should be emptied without disturbing the "crust", if possible.

The second tank will only discharge to the distribution field once the clear water level reaches quite a high point.

After the Vindange has been completed, it is usual to reactivate the tank, to reduce unpleasant odours and ensure effective bio-degredation of soil matter.

A dead cat chucked in works very well! Alledgedly...............................according to my French informants anyway!


Alternatively, all supermarché sell both Eparcyl bio-activant and more expensive processes in three packets, which are necessary to flush down the WC over the course of one week.

As with so much, you pays your money and you takes your choice.


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[quote user="Gluestick"]

After the Vindange has been completed, it is usual to reactivate the tank, to reduce unpleasant odours and ensure effective bio-degredation of soil matter.



Touche - vindange, vidange, the wine gets into the fosse at some point though here in the Lot we try not to reactivate the tank immediately after picking.


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[quote user="Nick"]


we do use Eparcyl everytime we visit.

On the point of refilling with water, is this necessary to maintain a balance in the first (or second) tank?


Personally, I would ensure that the first "Sludge" tank has a few inches of water under the crust, to ensure that it continues "Eating" and degrading the septic material.

Particularly so, if you are returning home only a few days after it has been cleaned out.


Many thanks!

It has been a bad day for me: very pressurised AM when I rattled that post off, as Mrs Gluey was suffering (we thought) from a very sevcere tooth abscess or summat and I had to rush her off to the fang carpenter and wait whilst she sat in the torture chair for an hour and a half.

No decay; no abscess. Dentist reckoned it may well have been two old fillings and changed them both: after four nasty injections.

£185 later...................

At least my Freudian slip showed where my priorities are!




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[quote user="Gluestick"]

The first tank should be emptied without disturbing the "crust", if possible.

The second tank will only discharge to the distribution field once the clear water level reaches quite a high point.

After the Vindange has been completed, it is usual to reactivate the tank, to reduce unpleasant odours and ensure effective bio-degredation of soil matter.

A dead cat chucked in works very well! Alledgedly...............................according to my French informants anyway!


Alternatively, all supermarché sell both Eparcyl bio-activant and more expensive processes in three packets, which are necessary to flush down the WC over the course of one week.

As with so much, you pays your money and you takes your choice.



  hi ok


   What  second tank????


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