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British builders - a note of caution


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Worked with both French and British builders

I have had problems with some British but never with French

You need to be sure who you are taking on and that you specify the job and the quality that you require, plus you ensure they clearly understand what you want

If you start a thread on British plumbers I will jump out if my box !

Le Plombier
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[quote user="jon"]

Not running from anything Russet house!All our taxes are paid to the last penny...every bill....and people in UK know where we are.

We are here because we wanted to operate a catering/Leisure buisness 8 months a year not 12.

We no longer wanted to pay 22 thousand pounds a year for a little shop without a garden.

Rates at 10 thousand pounds a year!
Not sure is it is sinking in to the anti jon brigade that things are going rather well for us...as well as we can possibly expect.

Have you not concidered that we may be of the age when we do not wish to work 80 hours or more a week ...............or 360 days a week.

Some of my friends and aquaintances are having a very tlough time in UK and would like to hand back their leases....in order not to pay rent.They are facing really terrible times and they are very hard working .....chefs with good skill....No I am not talking about Heston...

Restaurants may look like they are doing well in Uk but their overheads are carzy.

Buiders are usually resonably young men...usually.

Lots in UK appeared to b e avoiding tax and from what I gathered from so many people....doing really bad jobs.

Russet house please look at the relvant facts before you attack ....We did not come here for the same life style and with the same finacial structure  as we had in place in UK.


Actually jon I used your words, and inserted Chef instead of builder - there are many British builders in France legitimately, perhaps now you know how it feels you'll think before you make such sweeping statements !!

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[quote user="Quillan"]

If you were in the UK you would check that the builder you are employing is registered, has insurance etc. You would ask for more than one quote for the work, three probably. You would also ask around and visit some, or at least one, of his/her customers. What amazes me is that only too often I see Brits in France doing none of this and employing the first person who walks through the door. It seems to me that some leave the UK and forget to bring their common sense with them.[/quote]

I think the difference between the UK and France is that in France even with one devis you'll probably wait months just for the work to  start...if you want three devis then heaven knows when you'd be finished!  Our electrician took a year to start the rewiring after giving us the devis...and he finally finished over two years later.

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I think with so many Brits in France, it would be great to have a restaurant that sells uncomplicated British food! Also I think that dishes such as 'le spotted dick' with custard and that all time favourute 'le crapeau dans le trou' might be well received by the French too! I think Jon is onto a winner! Much more likely to succeed than any unregistered British builders leaping off the ferry and tackling work on the black! I know you are not in France Russetthouse, so joking apart maybe you are unaware of the extent of the problem here!
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Best laid plans and all that I have experience of paying 30% of a large contract sum all as per Devis to a properly registered and Insured Builder (British working legally in France with about half a dozen employees)

Business came highly recommended.

Saw previous work, business premises etc etc.

Guy put his business into liquidation 2 months after cashing my cheque with  some material on site and no work done.

There was no language difficulty all works were designed/ drawn ready for Permis.........thats as far as it went.

I will not pay another builder in France a penny piece until the work is affixed to the building and I am happy with it.

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[quote user="Lancashire Lass"]I think with so many Brits in France, it would be great to have a restaurant that sells uncomplicated British food! Also I think that dishes such as 'le spotted dick' with custard and that all time favourute 'le crapeau dans le trou' might be well received by the French too! I think Jon is onto a winner! Much more likely to succeed than any unregistered British builders leaping off the ferry and tackling work on the black! I know you are not in France Russetthouse, so joking apart maybe you are unaware of the extent of the problem here![/quote]

Not after reading this forum for 9 years ! Anyone who employs an unregistered builder takes a risk, whether they be British or French. Let's face it employing a builder at all is a risk, even if they are registered there is plenty of latitude for misunderstading, in any language

There are good British builders and tradesman making an honest living, you saw jons reaction when the tables were turned, do you not  think that they may feel the same ?

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Scooby - I take your point but we all know everything takes forever here.

Lancashire Lass - What problem? France is not England, neither is Germany, Norway, Spain etc, etc. This is the way it is or do you just want England but in the sun? I am sorry but having lived here for nearly nine years now and running a successful business I don't have a problem with life here. OK builders may not always turn up on time, it may be up to a year for a builder to start building a house or renovate one but that's how it is. You have to learn to live with it, if you can't go elsewhere. These are the areas you need to research before you move here.

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Quillan I was talking about rogue British builders and when your back is to the wall, you cannot get a French builder for over a year! Then, like me, you maybe would be in the position to take the only game in town, just hoping against hope it would be ok! I am sure there are wonderful British builders and I would have given my eye teeth to use them! However, there were none registered in our area then!

I am NOT stupid and I know France is France - what a rude remark! I love France and the UK! At the end of the day, it is people and not places!

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Russet house it is nothing to do with tables turning!

Never ever please compare me to a builder!!!!

A lot of the time they earn money for old rope and in London I have come accross builders who have ruined people's lives.

Perhaps you feel that you know....however you live in Berkshire...very cosy there....not exactly with the same type of work force as Acton and Shepherds Bush/.If you had experienced the" builders" that I had dealt with your attitude would change.I will not go into details but it was not a plesant expereince.

And by the way......Russet House you have never lived in France? so your info is not first hand.

I have lived in UK......AND now France in an area where there are decent builders.

Come and visit!!!!!!!!!


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[quote user="woolybanana"]Nah you lot, whenever I have signed a devis, the date has been fixed to within a couple of weeks, allowing for frost if outside, and the work done on time, on spec and to everyone's satisfaction.[/quote]

You mean you got one who would put a date in the devis....who, how, where..????

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[quote user="jon"]

Russet house it is nothing to do with tables turning!

Never ever please compare me to a builder!!!!

A lot of the time they earn money for old rope and in London I have come accross builders who have ruined people's lives.

Perhaps you feel that you know....however you live in Berkshire...very cosy there....not exactly with the same type of work force as Acton and Shepherds Bush/.If you had experienced the" builders" that I had dealt with your attitude would change.I will not go into details but it was not a plesant expereince.

And by the way......Russet House you have never lived in France? so your info is not first hand.

I have lived in UK......AND now France in an area where there are decent builders.

Come and visit!!!!!!!!!



I don't think you quite understand what I meant, frankly I don't think its very fair to damm a whole group  with a sweeping statement, and obviously neither do you or you wouldn't be protesting...

Berkshire Cosy ? LOL, Berkshire includes Reading and Slough.....hardly cosy......

As for builders,  we live and learn and have had our share of skirmishes, we have learned the hard way, just like a lot of other people.

Apart from reading this forum for 9 years, I'm in daily contact with people in different regions in France, so I don't think 'my idea' is that far off the mark actually. 

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The building business is actually rather more closely regulated in Britain than in France, through both consumer legislation and the self-policing schemes like check a trade. Whereas other businesses that I know something about (like estate agency) are the opposite.  That doesn't prevent ripoff merchants in either country in both lines of business. And there are some very good, and very bad, restaurants and hotels in both countries. To excuse poor service with 'that's the way it is in France' may be true, but it's no excuse for sub-standard service.

I wasn't aware that not living in France disqualified anybody from commenting on this forum. Anyway, I live in both countries (officially dual resident) so I think I can speak with some authority. Even though I live in a so-called 'cosy' part of England when I am there.

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Yes Russet house I know READING !However I have a good idea that you do not live in    Reading...a little closer to Henley or Marlow.

Reading things written by the Negative bregade is not the same as living here.

It is not your reality!

You believe that life is better in UK so your postings are in alliance with your negativity towards ;iving in France. Perhaps you like the idea of posting here...perhaps you like some of the French painters or potters but you wave the Brtitish flag even from the sinking ship of Mr Brown.What do you really think a French Forum is for......

It should be here to encourage those who wish to change their lives.

Why are you endevouring to find problems with my choice.

To cook in Hells kitchen in London or to be in Paradise garden in SWFrance


But I  am here...in France

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[quote user="Lancashire Lass"]

Quillan I was talking about rogue British builders and when your back is to the wall, you cannot get a French builder for over a year! Then, like me, you maybe would be in the position to take the only game in town, just hoping against hope it would be ok! I am sure there are wonderful British builders and I would have given my eye teeth to use them! However, there were none registered in our area then!

I am NOT stupid and I know France is France - what a rude remark! I love France and the UK! At the end of the day, it is people and not places!


Did I call you stupid, I don't think so, I don't even know you so how can I judge.

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Comments are fine.But not so fine when they are not based on experience.....it is like talking about sailing on a boat and you have never set foot on one...or your life in Russia and you have never been there.

Taking others thoughts and producing a negative script is not related to living the situation.



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And there you are Mr Quinn living in France ....reduced to a life of creme brulee making....wasnhing the sheets and wearing a piny with the hoover in your hand.

You could have been back in the UK with your carpet slippers on and having a wonderfull life!


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