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HC/HP change-over


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 I've had several occasions now where apparently the meter hasn't switched over... so yet again I've had to endure a luke-warm shower when the chauffeau hasn't reheated overnight... most odd.

The afternoon doesn't seem to be a problem (if I'm on or near the computer at 15h02 I can hear the clunk of the relay), but I'm not usually up and about at 01h32 to actually witness the nighttime switchover.

Has anyone else experienced switching problems?



edit: I notice my tag-line seems to have vanished, so I'd better say I'm in La Creuse (23).

Additionally perhaps a mod would like to explain why my name tag says I've only been a member since Jan this year, when in actual fact I've been a contributor - on this name alone - for about 6 years!

And does this mean that my unaccounted 4 or 5 hundred pearls of wisdom have disappeared off the system? - Tragic[:P]

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Yes and it was a nightmare getting EDF to understand and sort it out!

We've 'lost' our afternoon HC on three occasions - all, suspiciously, after we'd lost power the previous day or night during thunderstorms (though not every thunderstorm/power cut has caused problems - thank goodness!)

Still none the wiser as to why there have been problems, but on each occasion, finally, EDF have sorted it - remotely - once they insisted on sending a technician out to check our meter and then tried to charge me because they couldn't find anything wrong......I refused to pay. The second occasion the technician actually phoned us up and told us that he didn't need to come out he would remedy it remotely, and did.

To check that the overnight HC was working - and like you not wanting to get up at 3am to check the meter! - I take a HC meter reading before and after - as the chauffe-eau programmed to HC is the only thing on at that time of night, if there were units used - the HC was working, if not, it's not.

Sorry I can't offer more positive help, but if you do contact EDF, in my experience be prepared to explain over and over again in intimate detail what the problem is, the technicians seem to know what's what but not the call centre staff.  I had several conversations of the "according to your account you've got HC in the afternoon" "Yes that's right but it's not switching" "oh does that mean you don't want HC in the afternoon" "no I do want it but I'm not getting it" "according to your account you've got HC in the afternoon" - hit head against wall and scream......

Hope it's something simple!!


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Thanks Lou,


It's the utter randomness of it which is so frustrating: It's bad enough with temporary wiring and plumbing (I've now re-sited one of the chauffeaux 3 times during the renovations) and builders unplugging it to use the socket and then forgetting to put it back in again at the end of the day, without EDF adding to the chaos!

I'll follow your suggestion about the HC meter reading for a couple of days and see what is what. 'Though I suspect your thoughts about the link to storms will have some bearing on the matter. 



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[quote user="gyn_paul"]

I've now re-sited one of the chauffeaux 3 times during the renovations) and builders unplugging it to use the socket and then forgetting to put it back in again at the end of the day, without EDF adding to the chaos![/quote]

Normally, AFAIAA, ballons are not plugged into an electric socket but hard wired through to the tableau. We can only access our chauffe-eau through the tableau via an 'on/off/auto(matic) option.


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Plug in an energy monitor, between the Ballon and the socket.

It is not unknown for the Jour/Nuit contacteures to go flaky.

Trouble with checking HC reading before leaping into the arms of Morpheus, is that when the meter changes over on the received pulse, all consumption is then HC: fridges, freezers, whatever: if it's the pulse switch in the tableau, then you need to isolate consumption.

My Ballon is on a socket: installed by a properly qualified French electrician, who insisted the socket was correct when I dared suggest it ought to be hard wired!


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"" Trouble with checking HC reading before leaping into the arms of Morpheus, is that when the meter changes over on the received pulse, all consumption is then HC: fridges, freezers, whatever: if it's the pulse switch in the tableau, then you need to isolate consumption""

Good point Gluestick but I found that the fridge etc didn't use 4 units overnight so if this sort of level of consumption was being used it had to be the ballon. Not scientific and not necesarily absolutely accurate admittedly. In our particular case we knew it wasn't a fault with our equipment as we were getting the HC at another time of day perfectly normally


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Ours is on a plug, but I've never given much thought to using HC/HP. I have not heard of it, I assume one of these is a cheaper rate?

I assume because I cannot see a timer anywhere, the ours must be permantly on, or only heating the water when the temperature of it drops.

Does that make sense?

We are having a new boiler fitted in September, this will give hot water on demand I think, and the elctric balon will only be for back up.

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