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Moaning water pipes


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Hi all,

this has been an ongoing complaint for three years, during the summer when we turn on a tap, hot or cold , we get a loud groaning/ vibration. Unfortunately, some of the pipes are behind walls etc. The noise disappears in the winter for some reason. We have tried everything we can think of as regards pressure regulators etc. Any new ideas would be much appreciated.
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A ball valve can cause this sort of problem - when full the ballvalve shuts off the water but the pressure is such that it opens the valve again and the water level closes it again and so it repeats itself.

Cures are to used an orifice with only a small diameter in the ball valve or to place a damper on the arm that goes in to the water.

Do not know why only in Summer though - unless the pressure is higher.


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Are the pipes female by any chance ..........[6] Ok I'll get my coat .......

As has been mentioned I would first check that your water pressure is not too high - no more than 3 bars maximum. If you havn't got one already, install a pressure reduction valve. You could also try fitting an "anti belier" device which can stop vibrations when taps are turned on and off suddenly.

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It can be caused by the rubber diaphram washer inside a float valve (cistern etc) as the rubber hardens with age. It will transmit the sound along pipes so giving the impression of coming from somewhere else. In the UK we have torbeck valves and the are supplied with standard washers, I have had to contact Torbeck in the past to send me out different grade of rubber washer. The same can happen with tap washers as they harden. Also calcaire build can cause problems. Switch off the water and undo the tops of the taps.
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[quote user="PaulT"]

The other thing you can do is to install a large id piece of pipe with a cap on the end. The idea is that this will not contain water but air and will act as a damper as iar can be easily compressed



That will stop water hammer but not sure it will help with "moaning pipes"

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