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Cost of replacing French windows ?


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We've just been given a quote of  €4000 (including fitting) for replacing 3 French windows, measuring 2,30m x 1,69m, so that's roughly €1300+  per set of windows (double-glazed PVC).

Seems very steep to me, but I've absolutely no idea of price as this is the first quote we've received. Is this because we live in the Ile de France area where prices for any sort of renovation-building work are sky high due to lack of good honest artisans & shoddy work is prevalent ? How do I make sure I get a fair deal ? I know in the area, folks with the right connections have ordered windows to be manufactured and shipped from Portugal or Spain or even Sweden, saivng 30% and had them fitted locally.

Any comments gratefully received !







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I have a friend who owns a first floor flat in a banlieu of Amiens a lot of the others are HLM, she had had two out of 3 similar sized porte fenetres replaced, they sort of opened on to railings behind non existant balconies if you get my drift.

They were hardwood, poor quality and had already started rotting out, they had been replaced from the inside so no scaffolding etc.

I cannot remember the exact price but it was significantly more for 2 than you have been quoted for 3.

I reckon that prices can sometimes be better in areas like Paris because there is competition and the guys want to work, they have to to be able to afford to live there, whereas around me there is little or no competition and the artisans would rather ask stupid prices and not work than to be competitive and busy.

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Parischic .............

We've had all our windows replaced in the last 6 mths, so this is a pretty recent price.

For (& this is the nearest comparison to your example) a 2,05 x 2,25 d/g sliding door (ali), the price was €1,257 HT.  The price for porte-fenetres (as an option) was about €100 less.

Things to consider:

  • Yes, of course that was the price for down here in the Midi. However, other quotes we had were considerably more expensive (i.e. 30%+)
  • We negotiated a 7% discount on the total job - wouldn't have got it for just that window. For a €4k quote, I'd be looking 5% at least.
  • If you're French taxpayer, then you'll be entitled to a 25% tax allowance on the cost of materials (reckon 80% of the total cost). This would increase to 40% if the building was built before 1977 & you are carrying out the work within 2 yrs of acquiring it (I'm simplifying the rules here, but you get the gist). That rebate works - just got mine!
  • Personally, I'd be nervous about shipping in windows and having them fitted. You've got no comeback, or at the very least a long line of communication. We've had two (very minor adjustment) problems & the local supplier has been round more or less straightaway to deal with them.

To summarise, I'd say that your quote sounds OK, but do the obvious. Get at least one other quote and ask for reference customers.  Also check out the ITR (Isolation Thermique Renforcee) - should be 4/16/4.

The company that we went with was the cheapest - I stuck two fingers in his eyes and asked "Why?" He said that he used to fabricate himself, but found that a decent manufacturer in Montpellier could make the product at least as well as he could, in bulk for the domestic market, with a good after-sales service.

Hope that helps.  

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Parischic .............

We've had all our windows replaced in the last 6 mths, so this is a pretty recent price.

For (& this is the nearest comparison to your example) a 2,05 x 2,25 d/g sliding door (ali), the price was €1,257 HT.  The price for porte-fenetres (as an option) was about €100 less.

Things to consider:

  • Yes, of course that was the price for down here in the Midi. However, other quotes we had were considerably more expensive (i.e. 30%+)

  • We negotiated a 7% discount on the total job - wouldn't have got it for just that window. For a €4k quote, I'd be looking 5% at least.

  • If you're French taxpayer, then you'll be entitled to a 25% tax allowance on the cost of materials (reckon 80% of the total cost). This would increase to 40% if the building was built before 1977 & you are carrying out the work within 2 yrs of acquiring it (I'm simplifying the rules here, but you get the gist). That rebate works - just got mine!

  • Personally, I'd be nervous about shipping in windows and having them fitted. You've got no comeback, or at the very least a long line of communication. We've had two (very minor adjustment) problems & the local supplier has been round more or less straightaway to deal with them.

To summarise, I'd say that your quote sounds OK, but do the obvious. Get at least one other quote and ask for reference customers.  Also check out the ITR (Isolation Thermique Renforcee) - should be 4/16/4.

The company that we went with was the cheapest - I stuck two fingers in his eyes and asked "Why?" He said that he used to fabricate himself, but found that a decent manufacturer in Montpellier could make the product at least as well as he could, in bulk for the domestic market, with a good after-sales service.

Hope that helps.


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Thanks, all, for your replies & looks like my  estimate is more or less in line with others.. I'll be getting other estimates in in the next couple of weeks to compare

Don't know if we'll be allowed tax allowance - the house was built before 1977 but we've been here 13 years  so don't think we'll be eligible..

And NO there is not more competition among artisans in the Paris area - very difficult to find reliable folk !


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  • 2 weeks later...
Go online and look up Lapeyre - they are a sort of Magnet Joinery - there are other companies on line as well. They can give you a breakdown in wood or PVC etc - they will also install, am I sure there are other companies as well offering this facility.

We are having one done - around 1000 euros, including shutters.

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“Lapeyre costs seem pretty high to

me. To quote a friend I would prefer to remove my own appendix

using a bottle of vodka for both annesthesia and antiseptic than buy

from them. Run Vialle Menuseria on Google for another price.”

High compared to what?

Lapeyre's cost for a 215 x 180 3

vantaux porte-fenetre is 485€.

Vial Menuiseries price is 479€

Lapeyre offer a further 15% discount

for three windows/doors or more ordered.


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I had a quote from Lapeyre and they were only slightly cheaper than the quote from a local artisan. However not only were the windows he used a better quality, his included replacing parts that lapeyre didn't. Something to do with where the windows and doors fit into. If we'd have gone with Lapeyre the finished job would have looked odd.
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Dear Gardian

We purchased here in the Vendee in December 2007 and next week all the front windows the port-fenertre to the rear and the rear door are all being replaced with top of the range wooden double glazed units. Our costs in 13000 but with other works 20000 euros. Are you please saying that I would be entitled to 25% green allowance from the Impot guys? on the cost of the windows? Here please see in this respect the posting on eco loans which appears above this posting. rdgs and the Pont du Gard looks wonderful. I have a story about it but perhaps later but involved my wife a car in the night and the Pont du Gard. I suppose the credit for the windows would be raised next year and as I pay by prelevements I should get a tax rebate or perhaps much reduced payments for 2012?
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Dragonrouge ..................

You certainly would be entitled to that rebate.  So, if (say) your material costs were €10k, then €2.5k rebate.  If your tax bill was (say) €1k, then you'll get €1.5k back in to your a/c within about 3 wks of your assessment (say end-Aug).

You must get a final invoice from your supplier showing the cost of materials (the cost to you, that is) and that is declareable in the year in which the work is done.  If you declare online, there is no need to submit any documentation (i.e. proof), but there's always the possibility that they'll ask for it.

For 2009, there's a ceiling of €8k for that claim for single persons, or €16k for a couple. 

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