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Securing a sliding garage door.


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How would you secure a sliding garage door in a manner that would satisfy home insurers ie not a chain and padlock?

The new Chez Dave has a large metal skinned hangar at the end of the garden which I will use as a workshop/garage/tool store. It has a large sliding door as the only entry, which is made from a steel box section frame and sheeted over with a steel skin. It is currently locked by a chain and padlock but I want to beef this up. Before I get busy with the welder and make up some contraption, has anyone else done this or found a commercial product I could buy / copy?

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Thanks for the link. The problem is the door is about 3.5 meters by 4, and although it is a steel box frame, there is enough length in the frame to bend a reasonable amount, plus there is free play in the rollers etc. Those claw hooks only have a useful travel of maybe an inch or so....I am sure that it would be possible to wiggle the door open. What I need to do is perhaps fabricate a large claw lever or some other internal latching mechanism and use a smaller key lock to lock the lever, if you see what I mean?

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[quote user="dave21478"]Thanks for the link. The problem is the door is about 3.5 meters by 4, and although it is a steel box frame, there is enough length in the frame to bend a reasonable amount, plus there is free play in the rollers etc. Those claw hooks only have a useful travel of maybe an inch or so....I am sure that it would be possible to wiggle the door open. What I need to do is perhaps fabricate a large claw lever or some other internal latching mechanism and use a smaller key lock to lock the lever, if you see what I mean?


My garage door is about the same size as yours Dave. I have metal guides concreted into the floor which stop the "flex" when the door is closed. My lock is the claw type which locks onto a metal bar that is set into the stone so you can't push it off and the whole thing is very secure.

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[quote user="Department71"]Trouble is what ever you do it has to be acceptable to the Insurance co.  [/quote]

Trouble is after the pie-keys have removed a couple of your projects the Insurance co will come and check out your locks, I asked my broker what was required and he came out to the barn and inspected it, he also told me that cover would not commence until it had been inspected after installation and approved. In the event my builder failed to notify him as agreed, and they declined to payout on a burglary involving the complete removal of the substantial contents.[:'(]

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