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planning permission and local architect needed


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Hi there,

We are looking at doing a conversion on an old farmhouse in the Chatel area (74 Haute Savoie) and wondered if anyone could recommend a local architect that would be able to help with the conversion of the barn area. Also if anyone has any first hand experience in a renovation project and/or information on basic planning requirements for the Val d'abondance area. I know in some areas (morzine for example) increased habitable space is directly linked to the amount of land around the property and also that you have to provide parking spaces according to number of bedrooms, some of which need to be covered. I'm hoping a local architect may know these basic criteria before we commit to anything or that someone may have an insight into whether our conversion is at all possible.

Can you help?


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I can't help with a recommendation as I'm not in your area but from personal experience I can tell you that a good architect will help you with all the planning applications and will be aware of what is required.  I was very happy with ours and surprised at how reasonably priced he was to boot.
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[quote user="eckerslike"] some areas increased habitable space is directly linked to the amount of land around the property and also that you have to provide parking spaces according to number of bedrooms,  [/quote]

I can't recommend anyone in your area, and that is fairly important, but I can say I had site meetings with several architects for discussions to guage reaction etc and there was no charge. Like everything in France there seem to be a scale of charges, we had similar work done, (complete renovation of a Fermette and barn into habitable space) and the architect fees were about €3K for all the work involved including planning permis. There was an alternative of about 10% cost based on obtaining devi's and overseeing the builders etc.That's not to say things ran smoothly and I had to be quite involved. I had language difficulties and an architect that wanted to present his version of things as opposed to what I specified initially, eventually we got close for the fixed scale charge of €3K

Bon chance[:)]

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