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Sighting/position of new fosse septic and drain field


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My house is on a slope, also the garden that runs away from the house, I have been told that the drain field needs to be on the same level as the outlet of the fosse?

I planned to dig the fosse into the slope near the house then run the outlet downhill 8 meters to a level area and install the drain field?

The other option is to run a outlet pipe down the steep hill to the fosse and drain field which would be about 15 meters away from the house?

Can anyone tell me which (if any) would be acceptable?

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[quote user="Dog"]I'd go for the second option. The tank might pop out of the slope.[/quote]

Best option.

Note when FTE is more than 10 metres from the building then a "bac à graisse" is recommended.

This could be installed prior to the steep descent.

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thanks for the replies so far,

i was planning to use a beton fosse so would sit no probs in the bank.

the degreaser would be right next to the house yes.

but realy need my other answers answered,

thanks so far tho!
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hi ok

             you can build the sand filter into the slope . it will then drain better than on flat ground see here



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[quote user="Dog"]Life is certainly simpler if the drain field is on the same level as the fosse. You wouldn't want the distribution pipes to be too deep in the ground.[/quote]

             I donot under stand the statment Dog .... 


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[quote user="pachapapa"]

And the 10 metre rule plus 2 pipes!


       Hi ok

                      Again I donot understand the statment !!


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[quote user="NickP"]

Welcome to the club Dave, 3P seldom writes anything that normal people understand. [:D]


The fosse is required to be a MINIMUM of 10 metres from the dwelling.

The OP quotes two distances 8 metres and 15 metres.

 8 metres is within 10 metres restriction... a no-go situation.

15 metres would correspond to 10 metres plus the length of 2 pipes...maybe 1 pipe if we include the displacement of a T piece and an array of T pieces and 2 bends at the commencement of the distribution net... a non no-go situation.

I love the crazy angle of the inspection cover sticking out of the gravel.[:P]

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[quote user="pachapapa"][quote user="NickP"]

Welcome to the club Dave, 3P seldom writes anything that normal people understand. [:D]


The fosse is required to be a MINIMUM of 10 metres from the dwelling.

The OP quotes two distances 8 metres and 15 metres.

 8 metres is within 10 metres restriction... a no-go situation.

15 metres would correspond to 10 metres plus the length of 2 pipes...maybe 1 pipe if we include the displacement of a T piece and an array of T pieces and 2 bends at the commencement of the distribution net... a non no-go situation.

I love the crazy angle of the inspection cover sticking out of the gravel.[:P]


   Hi Ok

                  Sorry but the above is a load of  " Crap" pun intended.

       There is no min / max distance from your property for a fosse..... it only recommends and I say again Recommends that if the fosse is more than 10 mtrs from the house that you fit a grease trap it is not compulsory ...

 The sand filter must be min 3 mtrs away from trees and the same from your boundary , it must be 35 mtrs away from a well or it must be fitted into a bag . It does not have to be on the same level as the fosse ... The Fosse will not  POP out if fitted in to an incline.

         Why do plonkers reply to some thing they know nowt about


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[quote user="pachapapa"]Finally got it! Now I understand! The fosse septique should be less than 10 metres from the house not more than 10 metres.[/quote]

   Ok I give up ...  how many F`s are there in surrender... [:D]


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