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Just a dream

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[quote user="Ian"]

Can't find a job opportunity? Create one! Better still create lots!  Best of luck.[/quote]


However. If you have not previously been successfully entrepreneurial

in the UK; if you have no experience of finding "your" niche and

fulfilling it successfully and maintaining that success... if you are not already used to the

bureacracy involved in being self-employed... research hard and long

before committing yourselves.

You have five (was it?) young children to support. If the going gets tough and

money is tight - and (as a self-employed person) the cheques to all the

state organisations must be paid - you and your partner can

tighten their belts - it will be more difficult to explain to the kids

why the house is cold.

What is it you really want to achieve with your move? If there's just one thing that you are determined to achieve with the move, what is it? If it is "knit the family back together", can't you do that in the UK? You mention you can't move to Somerset... but the family is thinking of moving to France? There must be opportunities elsewhere in the UK for your partner which will enable you all to be together... in your own language. Research those first? While learning French? [:D]



You mentioned north-western France-ish as a possible location for your move. I've linked below to two reasonably current discussions on Anglo-Info Normandy which you might find interesting. Views vary... as they do. [;-)]

Discussion on the cost of living in Normandy


Discussion initiated by someone looking for reassurance that

the move is A Good Thing



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The one consistent good piece of advice on this and other similar forums to the type of questions you raise is 'Try before you buy'. Especially, as you state you have little knowledge of France.

At your childrens young age you are not the risking their education if you move to France for a year or two and rent a place to see if France is suitable for you and your family and if it is are you in the best region for work opportunities that suit your partners skills.

The costs involves in buying and selling a house in France are substantive and if you buy a French house and then decide to return to the UK or move elsewhere after just a year or two, you are going to end up many thousands of pounds out of pocket. Whereas, in the past rising house values would have helped offset these costs it is likely that in the next two years houses prices will remain static at best, or more likely decline moderately in value and depending on location could be difficult to sell in what will defnitely be a buyers market.


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All I can say to the OP is take a very very good look through most of the forums here; especially education, health, legal and finance.

France as a holiday destination, and the subject of a TV series, is NOT the France some will find once living here...

Why not consider Spain instead?..Valencia is a brilliant and lively location and has four bi-lingual schools (english/spanish) and about a dozen schools that teach in English only, plus a French Lycee.

I would not choose France if I had my time over again.

That's the last I am saying on this subject for want of upsetting the population here. And I bet I have already...[:P]



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[quote user="Jura"]

Why not consider Spain instead?..Valencia is a brilliant and lively location and has four bi-lingual schools (english/spanish) and about a dozen schools that teach in English only, plus a French Lycee.  [:P]


and just the occasional land grab [:D] [:D]


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Nikki and Matt,

We had the same pipe dream about 2 years ago after several holidays in France...however after much research etc returned from our first house viewing in Charente this morning and.....well we think and hope we have found our dream house and have put an offer in. My husband will go out permanentlt but I work in the UK so will commute at weekends but only for next 3 years and then I'm out too. We also have 2 cats.

Go for it...we have..almost and highly recommend Papillom-Propeties.com...check out their web page for what is available.

Sara and Phil


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Go for it!!  

The old saying "you are a long time dead" holds true,  but in the meantime you don't want to spend your life thinking about "What ifs???....." or regretting not having tried.   You can always come back if its not what you thought it to be.

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Wow you lot can talk [:D] and argue [:P]

I have printed and read over 500 pages of research over the last 4 days & I am a teeny tiny bit more clued up.

The children have started using their learn french software & are so fare enthusiastic and loving it (though I don't expect that to last long before the complaints start).

We've looked into and got a few quotes on healthcare & I'm looking at schools although there isn't the ease of information for individual schools like over here.

I have completely fallen in love with a place [:$] I just liove it! A house, 2 gites, 2 fishing lakes and 9 hectairs. It's over what we can afford right now but plans are already well under way to realise our dream. That property will have gone by the time we're ready to move but we know it's the kind of thing we'd like and after looking at the area it's in I'm going to come over in the spring and make sure it's the right area for us. The property is very close to Liseiux which after reaserching is fantastic for us (on paper), 50-60 minutes to Caen & La Havre ferries, 90 minutes train to paris, and an hour on the plane back to Birmingham which for the children travelling back and forth would greatly cut their traveling time & be wonderful for me as I'm not great on boats [:$]

We are all hoping to live in France with Matt working between France & the UK. He has a presentation and interview this week so hopefully we'll have more news on that this week. IF it works out it will also greatly improve our finances and help us get there quicker.

The more we read & research & talk the more we want to make the move. We're not moving for any financial gain but for the lifestyle we can offer the children there that we can't here. We don't expect to be any better off but we're positive that the children and us as a family will be much happier over there - do I sound crazy?

So I think the decision has been made...we'll be moving over as soon as it is possiblel. I'd better get the french CD's playing and the tutor booed Eeeeekkkkk [:D]

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[quote user="Goldfish"]I have completely fallen in love with a place....... very close to Liseiux [/quote]Climate isn't too high on your list then [Www]

Just kidding, I wish you all the best and whatever happens nobody can say you didn't do your homework [:D]

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Went to France last year, fell in love with the lifestyle and attitude and now constantly searching for my ideal new home, you go for it Nikki, im just annoyed your so far in front with your research, see you there in 2 years and i'll buy the first drink!
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Hi Goldfish, We move to Limousin/Charente border next week so I sit here surrounded by boxes.  My advice so far would be to spend as much time as you can in the area you think you want to live in, take full advantage of cheap flights and keep visiting at all times of the year. We only really looked in the Charente area - the people are so friendly and help us out with our poor French, new neighbours and friends have already promised to teach us (if we help them with their English!) although we are going to book a tutor on a twice weekly basis.  I've bought a translating package for the computor to help with letters and official documents and you will find that most businesses; banks, telephone etc have an English speaking line.

If you have friends/family still in UK make sure you pick an area which is accessible - that way you won't feel so far away.

We spent a year going through absolutely everything... healthcare, education, taxation etc etc, and it helps to speak to professionals who can guide you through the minefield of paperwork without making a drama of it all.  It does help to buy the magazines and this forum is invaluable for all questions that may pop up - it helps to see that other people have the same problems.

As for the children - our 15 yr old is to attend  the local college & there are other English speaking kids although his French is good (better than mine anyway).  He is excited about the move and can't wait to make new friends which is really important as I don't think we could have considered it at this time if he wasn't keen, there's nothing worse than a reluctant teenager.  We have travelled a great deal though and he loves the Continental way of life and makes friends easily - I have very few worries about him ... just so long as it doesn't take too long to connect to broadband!!!!!   Our daughter is at university in UK and will travel home on cheap flights - she wishes we had done this years ago.

As for the pets, we have cats & dogs - look carefully at the regulations for pet passports and get them as soon as you can (don't know about the owl but I'm sure there must be a way of transporting him).

You will have many sleepless nights and some of your friends will think you are mad at leaving UK - they are probably only jealous! You'll know if it is right for you though and when you find your perfect house things will all fall into place - I'm glad we are doing this as I know we would have regretted not even trying (and the weather is better!) - Good luck.


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Just have to echo all the positives on here!!

Wish we had been in the position to do it ages ago,but after several years of looking at houses/ways to make a living have opted to do early retirement(hopefully).We bought our place a couple of years ago and renovations are under way as I write,new roof,new almost everything really[:D]

We have new doors/windows being fitted currently,so work should progress much faster now.

Can't wait until we can move permanently along with "mad cat",cat flap is already fitted in kitchen door ready for her!!

Only slight blot on landscape at moment is sinking house market in UK,as that was to partially fund the early part of retirement.Oh well,back to grindstone[:(]

Best of luck whatever you decide though.

Final word,do get as much language skills as you possibly can though.I'm extremely lucky,other half speaks very good french,but has struggled with builders/architect etc as she doesn't understand all the terms in english either[:D]Also have a very good teacher and a small class of three which helps.We are going to do a supper evening next month,at which we will attempt to speak in french mainly.Should be fun if nothing else.[:D][:D]


Good luck,Johnnyboy.

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writersblock wrote

Hi Goldfish, We move to Limousin/Charente border next week ..............................................................................................

.............................. I'm glad we are doing this as I know we would have regretted not even trying (and the weather is better!) - Good luck.


Re. weather !!!

Crikey,  I hope you are right![:)]


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[quote user="Cendrillon"]writersblock wrote

Hi Goldfish, We move to Limousin/Charente border next week ..............................................................................................

.............................. I'm glad we are doing this as I know we would have regretted not even trying (and the weather is better!) - Good luck.



Living in the Charente already that should be 'the weather is better in summer', it's been either freezing (-6) or raining for days for the past month and my roof leaks!!

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[quote user="Panda "][quote user="Cendrillon"]writersblock wrote

Hi Goldfish, We move to Limousin/Charente border next week ..............................................................................................

.............................. I'm glad we are doing this as I know we would have regretted not even trying (and the weather is better!) - Good luck.



Living in the Charente already that should be 'the weather is better in summer', it's been either freezing (-6) or raining for days for the past month and my roof leaks!!


Then fix it dear Panda , dear Panda, dear Panda, then fix it !!!!!!!! 

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Hmm, you would think wouldn't you!  The roof was completely re-done the week before Christmas, yeahhh, you might think but no, the really heavy rain of this last week has entered and on inspection it appears a tile is cracked, only been up for two weeks, not a good start!! 

Now not wishing to completely rain on this dreamers post, the sun has just shown it's face, generally though the weather is better in England between November and April in my experience (almost 5 years now).  No contest, of course, during the summer months, you can't have it all I suppose!

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Re: Weather - After living for many years in the middle of the North Yorks Moors where - at the moment it is sleeting/gale force winds and freezing cold the low temperatures of the Charente sound idyllic.  As for the sun - what is that????

We are going with a positive attitude, maybe those of you who are having better weather than the Uk get a little complacent.

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Wouldn't really say older! I'm 39 tomorrow and Phil is 56..(my sugar Daddy). But yes he will be retiring and I intend to do part-time work as a community autonomous Nurse Practitioner when I leave the Navy in 3 years time. And yes...unfortunately no children...just 2 cats and several motorcycles, which we know that due to the horse power restrictions we may have to sell some of before our move!
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