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'Grease proofing' a stone worktop?


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Hi all..

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to use to protect a bare stone kitchen worktop from grease/oil etc?

We treated it in a floor 'hydrofuge' moisture sealer and have then waxed it in Briwax Stone & Granite polish, butthe worktop repels water based mess perfectly, but anything oil based just soaks in and stains.. And is impossible to to clean as it is now so well sealed from water!

Any ideas would be hugely welcome..

Many thanks...

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This is interesting as it repels water but not oil. Oil molecules are normally larger than water molecules so shouldn't pass through.  Nothing available via the HG brand as they make lots of sealers? Something used for travertine perhaps? Sounds like you'll need a decapant to remove your sealer then start again.
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I've no experience of stone worktops, just interested... does this apply to granite surfaces too? If so, it would appear to be a major disadvantage and for such an expensive option too!   Anyone got granite?



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We have granite worktops in the kitchen, highly polished from the supplier, we have never had any grease or water problems.

We used to have marble which was the same, apart from being careful with stuff like lemon juice which, being acid, will etch into the surface.
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Thanks for the replies..

The worktops are actually re-cycled cast cement washing slabs we found in the yard here (the house was the old plumber's place) and are highly absorbent..

I think the decapant route may the the way forward. One suggestion has been that the 'stains' are in fact the grease staining the wax top coat and not the stone itself (good theory) so we will do some more tests on hydrofuge only on some samples (ie no waxing)..

I'll come back with the results once we know more!

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[quote user="Chancer"]So not stone at all but concrete?[/quote]

Yes, 'concrete'.. But I thought it would amount to roughly the same thing?..  An early bench test is possibly showing good results with oil/grease stains on a hydrofuged surface without the subsequent wax/polish..

More soon!

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