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Complete France Forum

the story so far....


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    Jon,so pleased you are enjoying your new life in France.

I'd ignore all the negative argumentative comments on here. I for one was very interested  to hear what you had to say about your experiences so far.

As we are about to move out there it was good to hear some positives.

I think most intelligent people realize that every country has good and bad points-nowhere is perfect!

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The Whole idea of posting "the story so far"was so that I could encourage people to make the changes to their life ......I am telling the story as it evolves.

Earlier on I gave some detail of my life and I have pointed out that although I have now moved here to live the French life and operate my buisness...I have purchased and sold property in France during the past 15 or so years.Therefore I understand various aspects relating to life in France in different regions...and have spent years of travelling through many parts of France.I am not, by any means an expert when it comes to any legal system or have any special commands over artisans/builders.What I do have in store is a vivid past in London where I spent time with so many chara cters...this has enriched my knowledge in the catering/leisure industry and will help me through this stage of my life....which is a projection/extention of my life in London.....but unable to execute ther project there.

Not everyone will have my dreams/expectations.Others will want to come to France and live in a fairly small house and carry out the rest of their life in great family tradition.Whatever the wish/way of life...I see no reason to crush someones desires and replace it with seeds of sorrow.

So every step of the way I have related my experiences and if it can help others decide that they should move away ..or not ...then my words are not wasted.For those of you who prefer to live within their own omnisience please refrain from attacking other peoples ideas and opiniouns. This is a forum and I would like to think that it offers freedom of speach and, above all can help others with their aspirations.

So lets be moderate.

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[quote user="jon"]

This is a forum and I would like to think that it offers freedom of speach [/quote]

It does in theory, until someone has a bad experience in France for some reason and then they get jumped on by people who think that is not allowed and not possible and is somehow stamping on their dreams.   There dreams can not be very solid.


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[quote user="Nice Cup of Tea"][quote user="jon"]

This is a forum and I would like to think that it offers freedom of speach [/quote]

It does in theory, until someone has a bad experience in France for some reason and then they get jumped on by people who think that is not allowed and not possible and is somehow stamping on their dreams.   There dreams can not be very solid.



well said

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Well Raindog hope that no one rains on your parade.

Look I have to say two things......dreams are not solid...nothing in Life is solid.....you are both bitter....easily done.

There is nothing left of life if you do not look towards the unreachable....maybe things do not work out...they often do not....pop along and see me here and we will have a little chat....both of you need more than a nice cup of tea to sort you out.

Everything I wanted in life...apart from things which involved huge money and hurting others.....I went for and found it....fragments of it sometimes...maybe because I do not compromise.I have my standards and what I believe in.As a youngster I wanted to dance, manage a band, write for a newspaper, run a lettings agency, become a good chef, own a succesful restaurant, help run a nightclub and have lots of good friends[some go back to school days]I found all this and much more.....and now France......where there is more...and it is different.

I am not the one with problems!!!

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not justifying anything.There are others he may take too much notice of all the negativity which some of you have inside your heads

If people are contenplating a move to France from uk......the picture does not always have to be bleak.

Who is the "we " awarding gold stars

I do not need accolades




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[quote user="Will"]

If artsole is who I think he is, then he knows what he is talking about a hundred times better than most other forum users - including me. He was one of the original users (under a different identity) of the old Living France forum some seven or eight (maybe even more) years ago and since then has been far more involved in French life (in Normandy and various places down south), French work (salaried employment, own business, working the markets, working as an artist) and in just being an Englishman living full-time in the real France, with more than his fair share of ups and downs, than pretty well anybody. And I include RH in that, as she obviously remembers him too.


Having been around a bit (which dear old Artsole is clearly trying to suggest he has been in many ways[:)])  doesn't mean he knows more than anyone else Will (- including you ) , lets not go down that route again.  I'm with You can Call me Betty on this one, none of us need  take up references on who was here looooong ago and why they know it all, after all most who've been around since the year dot love telling everyone that often enough without you seconding the opinion!  [:D]


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Jon - I agree with you that there's nothing wrong with being fired up with enthusiasm for your new life in France. I was the same (and sometimes blush to think of the naive questions and fluffy opinions I had a few years ago, and still have to some extent.) This need to burst the bubble of enthusiasm is , I think, a bit mean really. And a bit stupid, because no-one will take any notice. Adults learn best from their mistakes.  Not meaning you are making mistakes Jon. There are exceptions though, if a person with relevant experience sees someone is going to do something that will really land them in the s..t. So here's hoping things continue to go well for you. And Panda - good point about being here a long time not being a qualification for knowing everything about France. ps what has happened to all your posts?
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Betty...................anytime[:P] but just a kiss?[kiss]

and Panda................who said I know everything? thats just your intepretation, all that was said is that perhaps, and only perhaps, my experience is different![:D] and I wouldn't change it for anything (including mistakes)! and some of those have been fairly large ones.[:(]

"Chaque fois qui je pense que les femmes sont nues sous leur robe............... je frémis!" [8-|]

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So what is the problem....

12 years ago I had a life threatning illness, three years ago both my parents died....three days ago I had no hot water or electricity..yesterday my best friends brother suddenly died in Paris at the age of 50....but each problem big or small is solved...sometimes with the endurance of great pain.....or you see the sunset and your eyes close for last time.

What  can be so bad here that is so much better there.

I hope that none of you take up social work or trying to help those who are contemplating suicide.!!!!!!!!!!


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I can fully understand where Jon is coming from on this thread.  He seems to be a similar person to myself.  I  have had many experiences in life and knock backs, as have most adults.  We deal with them in different ways.  Some see the world for what it really is and are realists which maybe hardens them up and gives them the strength to move on. This does not work for me.  Although I have the life experiences and reasonable thought to realise and acknowledge the realistic truths that exist in the world, it suits me more to focus on the good to gain my strength from this source  to move forward.  A true advocat of Forest Gump on a day out in Disneyland wearing pink fluffy blinkers, that is me and it brings me no harm.

Wouldnt life be strange if we were all clones?

Jon it does not appear to me that you are being bullied here, it is an open forum (within moderation) so please dont let these thoughts chink your armour.

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Jon, I am really very happy for you, but perhaps you would like to afford others who have made different choices the same courtesy that you expect and stop telling us quite so frequently how dreadful people and life  in the UK are, and the inhabitants of London (and Reading [:)] ) particularly.

Both countries have a lot going for them and a lot of problems also.It's kind of a given.

Those who have posted that you are not being bullied are right, you are not, but as you said you said expect to be able to put forward your views and that also means that other members have the same rights. They may not always be views you share or like, but that is the nature of a forum.

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[quote user="Will"]

If artsole is who I think he is, then he knows what he is talking about a hundred times better than most other forum users - including me.


[quote user="artsole"]

and Panda................who said I know everything? thats just your intepretation,


Uhh, Will did ![8-)]

EDIT And just for you Artshole

Chaque fois qui je pense que les hommes sont nues sous leur pantalon............... je ris, comme toutes les femmes

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Russet House you have brought up the same point again.

I agree that both countries have problems....Problems are everywhere and they come in all forms.Deal with them.

Russet House must be time for you to be going off to Marlow or Maidenhead for lunch...I remeber going to a couple of very good chinese restaurants with Heston and Co.

All of you scatter off for you lunch and remeber to enjoy your life....enjoy eating and cast aside your appertite negativity.


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Panda wrote

"Chaque fois qui je pense que les hommes sont nues sous leur pantalon............... je ris, comme toutes les femmes "(whats rice got to do with it?

ah, that shows you don,t know the real france, the real me or french women![blink] as for the other quote by will, he said, "than most other forum users" a small but significant difference.


"Les femmes sont nombreuses, les hommes seulement trois: L'idiot, le moins idiot et le plus idiot"

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[quote user="artsole"]

Chaque fois qui je pense que les hommes sont nues sous leur pantalon............... je ris, comme toutes les femmes

ah, that shows you don't know the real france, the real me or french women!


Trust me Artsole, I am a woman and I know lots of french women and many other nationalities come to that, we all laugh and we laugh hard at such thoughts, go take a look in the mirror pretty it ain't, funny it is!

Granted I don't know you but I can recognise a 'type' when I see one![:-))]

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