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Useful website for part-loads and removals

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I've no connection with them, and nothing to gain by saying it, but..  I've used them and found that the carrier I eventually chose, through them, was far cheaper than any other quotes I'd been given outside of their system.  Several others on the forum have also used them too.

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Hi Cat


Just had a look at the website and it looks good, its good to see a site like that and thank you for posting the details on here, we are suppose to be moving out in April and haven't booked yet just incase there is any delay in our house build...you never know ;o)

Will most likely check this list again when we get a firm date for moving.

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  • 4 weeks later...
I'm sorry, but in reply to Cathy, I think you have been simply very lucky in finding a satisfactory remover on LOADUP (a very good freight exchange, but still a freight exchange and, hint, hint, generically a facility for informed, professional buyers). International removals, like most transport, is ferociously competitive, so how can it be that there are 'far cheaper' offers that are any good (on LOADUP) than 'outside of their system' - i.e. than in the competitive mainstream? I have just offered to give an answer to this question to two contributors to this thread who look as though they are planning to move soon and who therefore need, in my opninion, to be reminded that not all that glisters is gold. I'm equally happy to help any other members who'd like to call.

please contact me by PM or email.

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Soory, but I have to agree with Nectarine

We have used load up on several occasions in Spain & here in France & have had no problems and fond very good prices for our removals.

We are not in any way connected with them and therefore have no ulterior motive here.

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Thanks for the information about Load Up - they are just the sort of people I am looking for to move a range cooker from near Newcastle to near Bristol, so it can be brought to me in France (that part is free which is why I don't want to pay for all the way to France!)
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