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Double dimmer for LEDs?


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That is a very kind offer from both of you, thank you. TP, what is the niveka range? Sounds like somewhere they test artilary [:-))]

The dimmer has 15 mm stuck out of the back so with the lovely soft bendy cable the French use (I wish!!) it would be very tight with a 20mm deep backbox. Especially with something like 5 wires coming into it?

If it's possible to let me have just the one box, probably about 35mm deep because I think that's how deep the existing box is, I will willingly pay for the box and P&P.

So if either of you can bid for the valuable sale [8-)] I will PM my address for you. In fact, I think that you already have it TP??

Ta again.

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Morning John,

Niveka (sp)  was the first range I saw in Brico that were reasonable screw back to the wall with quality fixings that looked very close to UK hole spacings but of course time moves on and the Legrand and Siemens ranges what we would call grid system (MK) in the UK also have the similar hole spacings.  I don't know if they would support your dimmer but maybe worth a trip to a brico?  If not happy to send you a metal pattress box 35mm deep.


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Quick update..

We went into Trydom after a very nice lunch at the bistro d'Auberge d'Auriac [8-|][8-|] and to my absolute surprise, nay amaizment, there in the top racks were several square wall boxes. They haven't been there for long, 'onest guv! So after spending an interesting 45 minutes or so we now have a mounted, working double dimmer switch and dimming LEDs [B] [B] They seem to be quite effective too, but I will have to curb my enthusiasm until it gets dark.

I also found out that if you fit non dimmable LEDs onto a dimmer they don't dim, they just stay at full brilliance [8-)] I had bought 5 dimmable and for non and managed to mix them up [:$][blink]

So once again, thank you for all your kind offers [B]s on me, all you have to do is come and collect..

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I had misread your posting, when you said that it wouldnt fit in the round box I assumed you meant a placo box as to my knowledge the boxes for fitting into masonry are the red square ones.

I did have a square metal backbox as well as a placo one but it sounds like you have the best thing now.

Do these GU10 leds project any further backwards in the fittings than the halogen ones? That could be a problem for me, if they do could you give me a clue as to how much more please?

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Cheers TP. They do dim down nearly as dim as me [:-))] and they look good now.

Chancer, all the light is projected forward from the unit (can't really call it a bulb) with nothing going behind them because the LEDs are mounted on a solid base facing outwards.

The box I now have is a lovely red one [8-|] Shame it's hidden in the wall.. I also have a second one that is going to be used when I put some LED strips in a very dark food cupboard. I will mount a socket and switch in the cupboard with the supply coming through the wall from the garage (it is built in to the wall with a pair of very nice 200 + year old walnut doors on it. Fantastique but dark inside..



The LEDs will run on the underside of the shelves, I hope?

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[quote user="Chancer"]

Do these GU10 leds project any further backwards in the fittings than the halogen ones? That could be a problem for me, if they do could you give me a clue as to how much more please?


Chancer, several of the 5+ watt versions are longer, the 4-5 watt are only around 1mm or two longer but still too long for some fittings.  I normally remove the connection block and rely on the spring clip on the front of the lamp to hold them in place if it's an issue. That makes changing lamps much easier as they lower through the front of the fittings on the leads rather than trying to fiddle them out of a close fitting lamp surround.


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What TP said is spot on, just a farction longer on my 4 watt jobbies. The fittings that I have are the orientable ones and the LED is held on the 'face fitting' by a spring clip. A small turn anit clock and the cable slips through so that you can reach the GU10 fitting and also as TP said it's a doddle to change the LED. When I fitted these here I made sure there is a slight twist in the cable so that it acts as a spring to actually hold the LED in place.

One of these should work if you have to remove difficult ones.  http://www.amazon.co.uk/Halogen-Bulb-Removal-Tool-Green/dp/B0027J282A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1394177216&sr=8-1&keywords=led+bulb+removal+tool

Dey fink of everifin these daze init [:-))]

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The strip lighting I ordered from ledhut.fr on Monday arrived this lunchtime and if we hadn't had to go out this afternoon it would have been fitted in that dark cupboard.

That's what I call sevice.

The first load of LED kit I ordered from then included a 'golfball' type bulb. I fitted it and it didn't work, so I phoned them and another was on its way the same day. No quibbles!

It is lovely to find a company that will still not only say service, but give it. I have said before, they may not be the cheapest, but what price service?

I have no contact with them apart from being a very satisfied customer!

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I was working lamp today and the driver should be around 34-36v but developed a fault and had gone to 45v frying the LED chip so I have ordered one from the manufacturer.  They have sent me some information on their new 5ft fluorescent tube LED replacements they look good and around 25w quite a saving over the 42w so may well get one of those to try out.

I have some excellent LED candle lamps for chandeliers only 3 watt but really good and easily comparable with 25w incandescent..

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