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what heating/hot water system???


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Hi everyone

We are currently in the process of buying a house in the Charente Maritime and we are taking advantage of the time to research different options for heating etc. Currently, the house has a chaudiere which runs on fuel for the central heating. I have looked at Geo Thermal, but this seems very expensive to install, so now looking to condenser boilers. I have tried to find info on the net, without success, for an individual gas tank (not possible to connect to mains gas) to work out some costings etc. Does anyone have any experience of this type of gas installation and any recommendations or links for suppliers please. Many thanks in advance for any links, advice etc

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  • 2 weeks later...


You'll find that LPG (bottle or cistern gas) is probably the most expensive option you could pick. 

Ground source heat (not geothermic)  is expensive to install as you say but cheap to run. The best whole of life cost by far is a combination system using solar and something else, perhaps Wood chip or pellet.

What ever, you need expert advice from a heating engineer to see what will suit YOUR house as no 2 systems are the same and everything is variable.

If you want to talk to one such then I do know a few and give you the contact detials if you wish.


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Hi Theiere

Sorry to take so long to reply, I had to find the leaflet! The systems are called Allfea hybrid Duo which is a pompe chaleur for the central heating system, that also has a chaudiere fioul integrated. We are looking at that one and also the straight forward air/water system, Alfea S inverter. It all depends of cost and savings, so we will have to wait for the devis.
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Yes I think that would be a a worry,  bit like any all in one machine, if a part goes down do you lose everything compared to a separates system where if a bit packs up you have another part that can take it's place. The sort of redundancy idea.  The COP level didn't seem that high from the technical although it didn't state or I didn't see the air temp at that rate, most pump manufacturers state the best under ideal conditions.  It seems they rely a lot more on the gas side than the air source pump side.

Off to Ecobuild at the ExCell centre next week I shall take a look at what's new.

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I forgot to say, that when we had the condenser boiler installed we got quite a big rebate - an actual cheque from the Impots! Even though we didn't fall in the taxable bracket. I think it was refund of VAT.

I don't know if this still applies.

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  • 2 months later...
hi sorry to hijack, but rather than start a new thread, ........

Ive inherited a rather large 4 floor if you include cellar and attics house in northern Mayenne 53, it has an oil chaufaudiere which was probably old when noah was a lad, of about 65Kw, it takes up a large cupboard in the hall about 3 ft by 10 ft, and I would like to change it for something

a. smaller in physical size.

b. more enegy efficient

c. cheaper to run

we think the energy output is about right for the house, as when fully renovated it will have 9 double bedrooms and bathrooms!!!!! and pleanty of common space as well.

there is gas in the village, but not to our house, and not easily accessed, we face south, but are the old presbytre,  and overlook the church, so will not be allowed solar.

 we plan to have at least 2 big woodburners as back up, and I rather fancy a woodburning oven/backboiler combo if I can persuade himself,

the plombiere who has had a look (devis awaited) seemed to think we couldnt get a much smaller boiler, although i have found smaller 65-70Kw oil boilers on t'interweb wich are about a 10th the size of what we have now, but they are english websites, what am i missing, and what might the issues be?

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The issues would be servicing and parts availability.  I agree French boilers seem to be much larger than required making me think they are inefficient old but expensive just like the woodburners.

Overlooking the church is a shame as once again religion holds back science and technology.

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[quote user="sallyMcC"]hi sorry to hijack, but rather than start a new thread, ........
Ive inherited a rather large 4 floor if you include cellar and attics house in northern Mayenne 53, it has an oil chaufaudiere which was probably old when noah was a lad, of about 65Kw, it takes up a large cupboard in the hall about 3 ft by 10 ft, and I would like to change it for something
a. smaller in physical size.
b. more enegy efficient
c. cheaper to run

we think the energy output is about right for the house, as when fully renovated it will have 9 double bedrooms and bathrooms!!!!! and pleanty of common space as well.

there is gas in the village, but not to our house, and not easily accessed, we face south, but are the old presbytre,  and overlook the church, so will not be allowed solar.
 we plan to have at least 2 big woodburners as back up, and I rather fancy a woodburning oven/backboiler combo if I can persuade himself,
the plombiere who has had a look (devis awaited) seemed to think we couldnt get a much smaller boiler, although i have found smaller 65-70Kw oil boilers on t'interweb wich are about a 10th the size of what we have now, but they are english websites, what am i missing, and what might the issues be?


If I would feel sad at the passing of the day if I had not at least tried to persuade you to avoid any re-subscription to oil as a heating fuel.

You know that climate change is here and that it will get worse.

All of the adverse weather events of the last decade have been made worse by the millions of us who have made wrong choices about heating fuel and cars and so on. Oil must be avoided at all costs as a fuel for home heating, gas to be minimised if possible, choose carbon neutral options like wood, and solar combinations. Electric in France is nuclear as is well known but it should be a backup to minimise the impact. Be aware and not blind to the consequences and dragged by the nose with all the sheep bleeting on about 'payback' and costs blah blah blah! They have no idea the damage they cause. Look for yourself at 'WHOLE OF LIFE COST' you'll find out that there is more to the number than the cost of installation. Get some smart advice;

What can we all do about climate change.....?  well it starts here, make the right choice for your home heating and feel that you've done the right thing. Our GENERATION ARE RESPONSIBLE for this climate problem because we knew about the problem and still did not change our practices. SO now WE have to start the change so that our children can live in a world that is liveable; Rather than a constant war between civilisation and the weather.

I know some expert technician who can design a multifuel systems that can heat your (large) house and not impact the carbon loading..... I'll send you their contact details if you want. but please THINK before you start your project, and not just about your pocket.


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[quote user="powerdesal"]'' You know that climate change is here and that it will get worse.'' I presume you are a believer in the religion of man made climate change. Wake up to reality.[/quote]

Well to that provocation I can only answer the following;

Whereas for Religion (of all kinds) there is no proof whatsoever that the doctrine is true

Whereas for Climate change as a consequence of manmade activity not only has substantial proof  supported by fact but EVERY respected scientist supports the JURY which is IN to verify it as fact. I can’t believe that in this age you can come on to a public forum and bleat 'wake up to reality' which now puts you into the diminishing group of zealots who cannot or will not accept responsibility for your (and everyone else’s) misdeeds despite the certain knowledge of its consequences, meaning that there is no credibility what so ever to your case.

So to compare the concepts of Climate change to Religion shows no understanding of either.



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