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Polish builder near Carcassonne


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Does anyone know of a Polish builder in the Carcassonne area?

A neighbour had one to do major work on his newly purchased house. They put 6 or 8 men to work, who were at it for full days without interruption until it was finished in a surprisingly short time.

This is unlike local builders I have used and seen working, who put one or maybe two men on even a big job. They then work two or three days before being pulled away to another job. Sometimes they come back to continue, but other times it takes a phone call or even two to get them back again.

I have spent over 80,000€ (Edit: correct amount spent) with the builder I have most used over the last few years, but now he always seems too busy to even give me a dévis. He is a nice guy, but prefers roof building, which is his speciality. He is also not brilliant at organising his two man workforce, who often arrive on the job with the wrong/no tools or material.

I have a heavy demolition job, followed by pouring a large concrete slab. I can't see my usual man managing it. In fact I am still waiting after over a month for his dévis for the concrete, which I am quite sure he has forgotten.

If I could get hold of the Pole who worked for my neighbour I think he would be the best for the job, but he has lost contact with him.

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You have to think laterally and find any Pole in the area, they will know of a builder, start maybe with les pages jaunes or perhaps a Google search for épiceries polonaises.

I know what you mean though, I saw a Polish registered van and chased it for miles, it turned out to be delivering to a local bed manufacturing factory owned and run by Poles, they had the contacts with the builders and did me a great deal on some beds also [:D]

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