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Fosse matters AGAIN, sorry!


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Does anybody know when the regulation came in relating to fosses having to be inspected prior to sale?

I could explain everything to do with the question but I don't really want my post to be a complete turn-off.

I promise that, if my problem were to be resolved and if I thought it would help someone, I will come back and reveal all!

Meanwhile, if you do not have the answer, could you please direct me to a site?

My French is OK for most things, so any official site would be fine.

Many thanks. 

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Thank you, id.  I've found the site and I'm going to go over it carefully though possibly not this evening.

Started early today and have had appointments all day.  I feel totally bushed; it's so tiring when you have to go over the same ground again and again.

But, you find me a word plus fort for tenacity and you'd have a slight idea of what I could be like!

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I could be wrong, but I think all you need is the report which was given to you after the last routine inspection or update of your system. Assuming that you've had one? Most fosses will have been checked by now, I think they started around 2004.

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