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  1. Over the years many ministers have been let down by their civil servants, often enough because they dislike the minister or the policy and want to embarrass him or her (or any station in between). This has little or nothing to do with Party. I suspect that the minister in question had read the text so many times that they were heartily sick of it.
  2. But Philippe had to go because he was a potential electoral threat to his master and may still be.
  3. Yet another minister let down by her civil servants who should have briefed her about the content of the document. Deliberate or just slack?
  4. I think that Loiseau got tea and cake offered by volunteers whilst waiting the fifteen minutes after the jab.
  5. The team he has been appointing seem to be very experienced, some even old hands from Obama’s time.
  6. Well, we live in exciting times! His success or failure will depend on the strength of his team and of the ability of the Republican party to throw out the Trump influence. Some small signs of optimism for the latter.
  7. Round here the centres seem to be only State hospitals, thus far. Seems a bit stupid really. Doubtless there will be more opened when less complex vaccines are available. Also, it seems a sad time to announce this? https://www.lesoir.be/348156/article/2021-01-11/restaurants-le-guide-michelin-devoile-ses-etoiles-belges
  8. He is not happy in France by the sound of it. Probably needs new goals, too young retired.
  9. CF, you are entitled to a ‘ defence’ of Droit à l’ erreur’ if you have made a genuine error which sounds like the case. This should mean they cant fine you or it will be mitigated if no fraud is involved. https://www.impots.gouv.fr/portail/particulier/le-droit-lerreur-en-matiere-fiscale
  10. Croques do not usually use bechamel but simple sliced cheese. Placed properly it should not run all over the place.
  11. I am very surprised that the Département should require all the paper crup all over again. My understanding was that an existing CDS would be renewed by a simple exchange for the new one with some new photos. Or has yours run out?
  12. For example: https://www.amazon.fr/Appareil-croque-monsieur-Tristar-SA-3060-extra-profondes/dp/B01B35NJ9E/ref=sr_1_5?__mk_fr_FR=ÅMÅŽÕÑ&crid=PCMORFJ9V0PM&dchild=1&keywords=croque+monsieur&qid=1610019710&sprefix=croque%2Caps%2C188&sr=8-5
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