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  1. You're right Nomoss. Sweden is a member of the EU/EC/EEC. I just forgot about it.
  2. OK, I've had a good look at the options. @cajal: This site quotes me €130 for 15Kg via DHL (collected). There is a cheaper option via ParcelMonkey, but since I don't know them, I'd probably stick with DHL @nomoss: Ecoparcel won't quote me for anything outside the EC. @Gardian. Good idea to break it down into smaller parcels. La Poste website is very complicated, but as far as I can tell, I can buy a pre-paid box for up to 7Kg for €69. So, for 15Kg it's about the same price for DHL and La Poste. I guess it depends on what I want so send and how big it is. I must start opening all the cardboard boxes Thanks for all the help. Cheers
  3. Wow! Lots of information there. I'll work on it tomorrow. Thank you
  4. I have a load of family "heirlooms" in my grenier. I'd like to send these to my children - daughter in the US, son in Sweden. The parcels will probably be heavy (15-20Kg?) and big (1M x 0.5M x 0.5M?). First question is, who could ship them economically? I'm guessing that the likes of UPS would be VERY expensive. There's no urgency. Second question is, what to use as containers? I'm thinking along the lines of cardboard boxes, lots of bubblewrap inside, lots of gaffer tape outside. However these, while strong, would not necessarily be rigid. Maybe big plastic storage chests would be better? Any advice will be very welcome. Cheers
  5. @ukhostland, you're right, they're perennials. I've taken the advice - cleaned out all the old growth and blown-in leaves, gave them a good prune followed by a good feed, and they're FLOURISHING! Some in flower already. Thanks, everyone.
  6. Thanks, woolybanana, that's what I'll do. I had a terrible problem last year with insects (mealybugs, I think) and lost a lot of plants. Mainly perennial herbs, funnily enough. Tried every chemical known to man, ans still they fell. Even the replacements. So, I'll be very vigilant. Cheers
  7. Last spring I planted perhaps 30 pots with annuals - begonias, fuschias and pelargoniums. About 2/3 of the plants have have survived (one or two are flowering...). Can I grow them up, and save buying more, or will they be weakened and not give a good show? If I can re-use them, what do I have to do? I'm thinking of cutting off all of last years foliage (like pruning roses - that I CAN do) then giving them a good feed. ?? Thanks
  8. "You are an Englishman, and have subsequently drawn the greatest prize in the lottery of life" - Cecil Rhodes
  9. Thanks, cajal. That sounds like what I'm looking for. Cheers
  10. Now that I have the replacement baffles for my WBS, I have to re-assemble it. Some parts were joined/sealed by a cement-like substance (very hard). Obviously fireproof... I seem to remember fire cement, in the UK, available in ready mixed tubs, but the only similar thing I can find here in France is "ciment refractaire", in powder form. Is that suitable? If not, what should I use? Thanks
  11. Beautiful work, John, as usual What wood did you use for the pot-pourries? It looks like 2 x olive/yew and 1 x spalted beech? Cheers
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