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Everything posted by chessie

  1. - Alan; no, I wouldn't consider you a hypocrite;  if you have 3 children and 5 grand-children than you're probably of an age when over-population was hardly talked about - so wouldn't dream of giving you a hard time. Me - 1 daughter, 1 grand-daughter.  So less than replacement rate for us.  I can remember back in the 60's the talk in the UK was of a future 'STABLE' population - with sufficient housing, green spaces, uncrowded roads - remember those days?  It was talked about as the 'ideal' future - a stable population where the numbers were more or less known - and could be PLANNED for.   Halcyon days indeed. Also in the 70's the scientists were threatening us with a New Ice Age in 30 or 40 years time !!   What a change. But - in recent years - the scientists have again said that the earth is likely to have ANOTHER mini Ice Age.   Different groups of scientists - using the same flawed data - to come up with different outlooks. Don't believe any of them !! In yesterday's Guardian there was an item about plastic recycling - you know, all the stuff we sort out into different bins;  turns out that ONLY 9% of that 'stuff' is actually recycled.   Some it is BURNED, incinerated, in China. The plastic pollution is something that does concern me.   If anything should be receiving serious attention it is exactly that, because of the devastation it's causing to all sea life - from the smallest to the largest.    And as 70% of the earth's surface is covered by oceans - that's a major, major concern. As for 'climate change' - I've read some reports which have stated that such 'greening' of areas that at the moment are inhospitable, frozen solid, useless - that such greening could well provide even more usable land space for agriculture and living. Now there's another side to the gloom and doom of 'climate change' isn't it - yet it's hardly mentioned. Sorry - I do like to stick my oar in and stir things up - but enjoy such civilised and polite discussions. And the query about the effect on subsequent wind strength after the wind has powered turbines is a very intriguing one. Chessie
  2. I too loathe and dislike those 'z list celebs;  it's a case of the rich & wealthy telling us, the poor working person or those at the bottom of the ladder not to want what 'they've' got - cos we're just the little people.  How many of the 'z-list' lot are vegetarians or vegans ?  Really, how many ? How many of those who said 'let the immigrants/refugees arrive - we'll cope' - the likes of Yvette Cooper, Lilly Allen - who said they'd open their homes to them - how many ? H--- the whole damn lot of them, as well as politicians - and the establishment too quick to jump on any passing 'virtue signalling' idea. OK - I'm a MAN MADE climate change doubter;  think it's far more to do with sun-spots, changes in earth's orbit/tilt, position in galaxy over 26,000 years - but at least I'm an honest doubting thomas. But did anyone see the programme on BBC tonight by Liz Bonnin (excellent reporter - one who believes in the anthropormophic climate but apart from that...) - the programme looked at the environmental damage caused by the meat eaters.   The destruction of the Amazon to replace trees with grazing for beef - and the wholesale pollution caused by the large cattle stations in America (and elsewhere). If people are really serious about this then stop eating meat - certainly beef.   Stop using Palm Oil - but how many products on your shelves contain palm oil - do you know, anyone looked ? And yes, like other posters, I hate the disposable nappies, the wipes chucked down the sewage system - there are many things we can avoid - but wish they weren't available in the first place. We can all do our little bit, but when one looks at the recent programmes about China, about their growing population, their pollution, the building of ever more power stations - I honestly don't think that whatever we do do, on a personal level, will have much effect. Electric cars; oh right.   What about the rare metals and minerals used in the batteries;  how long do the batteries last - and how will they be disposed of ? Anyone know? And the problem is that with the UK trying to be more saintly than other countries and relying on wind and solar power - the experts have said it is not possible for a highly computerised, technological country like the UK - or any others in western europe - to rely on wind/sun power.    The electricity grid is set up in such a way that it needs a steady, reliable source of power 24 hours a day - with wind and sun ?   The experts state that such plans are total madness..... I don't know what the answer is;  but I'm sick of being 'lectured' by them who don't know any more than I do - and I'm not certain that, even in my own small little way, I'm making much difference. Cynical - who me ? !! Chessie  
  3. Thanks everyone. Phew - thought I might have destroyed them. So they grow from seed every year, and doesn't matter, once they've flowered, that's it. Well that's good news;  bad news - means I've not finished diying up all the dead stuff !! Thank you - Chessie
  4. We had quite a few of the wild red poppies growing in our garden this summer - large numbers by side of rockery and ruined old stone building - far more plentiful last summer than in previous years. I've been out recently in the garden 'tidying up' and pulling out all the old weeds, the 'dead stuff'. Started pulling up all the long leggy stalks of what I believe are left of the wild poppies and had a thought - should I really be pulling them out - will they flower again next year ? Or do they only grow from seeds sown naturally during this summer ? These are the true, red, wild poppies - not domesticated. Don't want to do any harm !!  Chessie
  5. Always intrigues me the way a thread on one subject goes off on a tangent into another subject - which can be more interesting than the the original post. One of the things I love about this forum. As the OP I appreciate all the helpful advice, and stories of personal experiences, from everyone. Amazing when people really open up, and write about the awful times they've had. Life isn't a 'bowl of cherries' for many of us, is it ? I accept that I will need help - and I'm impressed at how much emphasis has been placed on this  aspect of Alzy, the carer,  that gets overlooked. There is a centre some miles away where I will be able to visit and get help, advice - and shoulders to cry on - I know it's there, and I will use it if it becomes necessary in the future. At the moment it's early stages, and I'm keeping careful watch out.... Just that I seem to encounter silly little 'snags' - as in the problems in my first post, which led to this side-track about Alzy.   Bit of a shame because Alzy is an important subject, and won't be found by many because of the original title of the post. Some of you have had tough times - but got through them - well done.   The advice about 'reaching out' is also good - and I do appreciate people's comments. Please don't let's spoil this by a little bit of argy-bargy between some on here - life's too short.... Thank you everyone - Chessie
  6. Cathar - thank you for taking the time and trouble to provide info on help provided here in France;  I'll print out and keep for future reference.  I'm sorry you have found it necessary to know so much about Alzy. As for GP's advice - yes, I'm already thinking about that, but how to get him to GP is the problem !! We don't have local SAUR office that could deal with payment hiccups. But I have a plan - rather than deal with computer centre - writing to Head Office to complain. Think it's very wrong of organisation to continue sending reminders, even after TIP has been sent - without any explanation from them as to why original payment not accepted - it is that which I find rather immoral and irresponsible of them.   So will take this further. In the meantime I'll send another TIP, plus a RIB, plus a cheque - and demand an explanation for the way this has been handled. Do find it very 'odd'; reject payments - but no explanation, just add on further 'late payment' charges - grossly unfair. Thanks everyone; lovely words of advice, help and support - sometimes it can feel very difficult, and I'm always grateful for this forum and lovely people on here. Thank you again Chessie
  7. Thanks for lovely, helpful replies. Sue - think you may have spotted the problem - but what the h---.  Joint account, joint money, either of us can sign cheques - so why can't SAUR accept a TIP signed by me ?   That's so wrong - in these days of eu regs, diktats, equal rights - what's going on here ? Had also enclosed a note to SAUR explaining we were late paying bill because OH had mislaid/lost/forgotten bill for a while until I had discovered it and realised it had not been paid. As for 'paying on line' - can't because unable to get bank's computer system to recognise new password;  have had look at SAUR's website, and rather worried that I might, by mistake, sign us up for d/d rather than make payment - ..... I'll have to visit bank to sort out this problem as well.   Judith - your answer about  'why use TIP' - snap - same problems here.  OH doesn't use computer, not keen on the d/d method (had same attitude in UK).   Yes, some bills are paid by d/d - and some not.   And sadly this is one that isn't.   Because of his attitude I'm reluctant to make any changes. Today, we've received a third bill from SAUR - with yet another fine added. Now here's where I'm becoming very cross;  if there was a problem with the first TIP which they wouldn't accept, am I wrong in thinking it would have been a requirement that SAUR write and explain why they couldn't accept the TIP. Oh no, they carry on, merrily sending another reminder, with another fine. Well - I'm not accepting this.   Fortunately I insisted some time back, that any bill we pay, which is paid using a TIP - or cheque, he was to hand to me so that I could photocopy cheque/TIP as proof, and record, of what had been paid, and I've also done the same for any payments I made. So I've got the proof that SAUR have had 2 TIPs from me.... and now they're going to receive a strongly worded letter. Doesn't this silly little episode highlight a problem for married women out here - particularly when faced with a partner who is showing signs of early Alzy.   We all know the problems with our maiden name/surname on driving licences;  this might be another one to highlight and remember. I can't talk to him about any of this;  he's always been short-tempered, now he is very volatile, and is becoming agressive at times.   I've had the sneering comments about 'well you seem to be taking over all the finances....' - said with great resentment and agression.   (I've been shoved recently, so hard that I tripped and could have fallen - so I'm very, very wary and am trying to sort this problem out on my own because I can't talk to him about it). Now to write a letter to SAUR; if I enclose a RIB from bank with my signature, will that mean that SAUR will in future only accept any TIP signed by me - or will their system accept that a TIP could be signed by either one of us?   Surely such a company is not so backward that it will accept a TIP from only one person on a joint bank account ?   Thanks everyone - wish me luck Chessie
  8. Here's something that's really causing me problems. OH has become very forgetful;  step by step I'm having to take over more of the payments for water, lecky etc.   (I've always completed the tax returns). I recently signed one of the TIPs for our water bill; normally signed by him, but I picked up the bill (he'd tucked it to one side and 'forgot' it). So I sorted it.  (Can't talk to him any more about things he's forgotten, because he has become extremely short-tempered and aggressive over such matters...). But it seems as though either SAUR, or our bank, does not/will not recognise my signature on a TIP. No problems with cheques - can be signed by either of us. But this water bill/TIP is driving me nuts. Sent signed TIP for original bill;  have now received second 'reminder' demanding payment, and adding a 'late payment' charge !! Our local bank is now one of those that is closed most of the time;  can't check on-line because on-line needs new password - and every time I try the system doesn't 'recognise' new password. Have sent e-mail to manager of local bank explaining problem, and asking them to confirm payment to SAUR has been made. Not yet heard anything.  (My french really isn't adequte to cope with complicated phone calls). But wondering if it's because I'm now signing TIP which means either the water company, or the bank, are not accepting TIP signed by me rather than by husband. Is that a possibility ?   Anyone else experienced this  (And it's not due to 'insufficient funds' - there's solid amount in a/c because neither of us wants problems with being accidently over-drawn with french bank, thank you very much !!). Comments anyone - a very puzzled Chessie
  9. Idun - totally agree with you.   Why is that African countries who do not want immigration, who control their own borders, who stand up for their independence are praised;  and yet the poor old UK, which has accepted without too much strife huge waves of immigration from the 1950s onwards (about  which the |British people were never consulted), right through to the huge numbers of eu immigration - and now wishes to be free of the eu, gets kicked, and kicked and kicked by the loony ill--liberal leftists.   Of all the new homes that are 'needed' in the UK it is estimated that 75% plus are down simply to immigration.   Then the NIMBYS are out in force protesting, rightly; but those very same NIMBYS will have supported political parties which have allolwed all the immigration, and believe in the eu. There is no 'joined up' common-sense thinking any more in government - or voters; and the people at the lower end of the social scale have really borne the brunt of uncontrolled immigration . Now I'll probably get shot down, but why are the 'bleeding hearts' allowed to get away with being 'bleeding hearts' for anyone - but their own fellow ethnic group. Chessie (hiding in the bunker !!)
  10. Cajal - that's exactly what we need - aren't you clever.   Thank you so much for taking the time to find this connector for me - that's really so good of you, and I do appreciate your help.   Now I know what to look for. Couldn't find it before - didn't know how to describe it...which would have helped !! Have checked the Humax - there's very little on the box - except the word 'Foxsat-hd'....but nothing more.  But you've been an amazing help - and seems as though you may have saved me from buying a new satbox.   So double thanks from me.  (Should be a bottle but there isn't one listed !!) And to everyone who replied with help - thanks so much - it's always appreciated. Chessie
  11. I'm sorry everyone - I wasn't very clear was I. Yes, we live here in France, and have done so for quite a while. When we first came out, we had a couple of Sky boxes, which we had indeed 'set up' for local area in the UK; we were able to continue using those for quite a while, with UK subs paid from UK address - but then there were questions. and we had to stop the subs !! So we bought a Humax from a UK ex-Pat who lived locally, and it's worked fine.  But when it was installed the metal fitting on the co-axial satellite cable didn't match the fitting at the back of the box - and there was a Heath Robinson connection 'adaptation' which worked - but it's become loose and the decoder can't be connected up any more.   And he's 'lost' the metal fixture component that was on the co-axial cable.  Having looked at the fittings available from Amazon I can't see any that match this old Humax box. This is why I thought if I bought a brand new box, with brand new cables that all fitted together properly, easily and simply, which I could cope with myself, unaided, then that might save a lot of aggro and difficult behaviour from OH who has problems.  Love your attitude YCCMB - I feel really out of touch with modern techno but I'lll say if YCCMB can do it, then so can I ! Thank you everyone for your helpful advice;  I'll check out the recommendations given me;  presumably all these boxes come with the right cables - need the satellite cable fixture from the satellite box in the wall to the decoder - or do I have to have that as separate item ? And thanks also for reassurance about the sound-bar - hope that one will be simple to instal. As always, extremely grateful for help and advice - thank you. Chessie
  12. OK - I'll admit it - I haven't a clue about modern techno - have real problems. We need a new satellite decoder box - and we need it for UK tv.   Please don't give me a hard time about this;  OH is in early stages of Alzy and watches a lot of UK tv...... I know I will be the one who has to buy a new box, sort out all the leads etc etc. Can anyone give me advice as to what I should be looking for in a new box - just want simple, fairly basic box. And how easy will I find it to tune into the UK channels ?  That's my biggest concern. The tv itself is a reasonably new 45" flat screen thingy - and the sound level is horrible. Am thinking of also buying a soundbar.  Would sound-bar have to be connected to the decoder box? - or will that simply fit into back of tv - which seems to have lots of sockets and scart outlets.   I'm totally confused by them all, but I'm assuming that there's a socket for a soundbar, but does the sound bar also need to be connected to decoder....- which would mean, presumably, that the decoder will need a socket for a soundbar - or am I totally confused ? Oh dear;  sounds a bit muddled but I'm sure all you extremely clever people on here will be able to give me clear, simple advice.    I'm really on my own here, feeling out of my depth and would welcome any help. Thank you. Chessie
  13. Hello woolypully - yeah like you referring to me twice as 'cheesy' Chessie;  is it wonder some of us don't wish to post on here. Anyway my little scrumptious wolwe piesang - I'm sure that won't make you any more tetchy or grumpy than you already are ! - bless. As for the 'assumptions' about flashing around Ipads - I was really talking generally about how some people behave; the fact that one of the posters took it personally was rather illuminating I thought. Never mind everyones, life's too short to bother with the flashy showoffs, the know-it alls who tell everyone what to do, and refuse to apologise for their sheer crassness. Why is everyone so bad tempered. Feel sorry for Idun who started this, in all innocence.......... Au revoir - Chessie
  14. Found it rather hurtful, and extremely unfriendly, to be called a 'mug' when on a rational, logical level due to circumstances of living here in France - it makes every sense - for ME.  Rather dismissive comment which indicates a poster not willing to listen to other's reasonable reasons for making certain decisions. As for 'sucking eggs' and 'dotage' maybe the poster is completing a bucket list for themselves before the dotage referred to sets in !!!   With my daughter and son-in-law running their own techno business, as well as web design and social media consultancy - won't take me more than a day or two to 'catch up' with all the latest gizmos in 2025 when we may be returning to UK.   And it'll be the latest gadgets as well - so this grannie won't need to be taught very much - I'll be ahead of the curve........... Hey ho - takes all sorts. Chessie
  15. CMB - contracts for mobile phones - here in France !! - you 'aving a laff ? Take out a contract on a mobile, and the company will siphon money out of your account if you've not used the thing.   So no way am I becoming involved in that malarky. As for PAYG - my mobile is an investment;  it is like an airbag in a car;  or ALBS - one pays for such safety, and hopes never to use it - but in an emergency one will be damned glad it's fitted and working. Called back-up;  what they use in Shuttle space programs I believe. As for 'not using mobile' - I HAVE used mobile, in an emergency - and I was extremely grateful I had it, charged up, topped up and ready to go.   Like a seat belt, or an air-bag - it served it's purpose when needed. I sincerely hope never to have to use it again, but I have the security and knowle4dge that if I'm stranded, I have space programme built-in back-up. There are some aspects of living in France, during the winter, when at dead of night after an 'incident' when the temps are well below freezing that maybe not everyone who 'visits' France has actually encountered.   Until one has, maybe it's rather unfriendly to condemn without having experienced the loneliness of the dark, deserted night - with no friendly houselights around. You bet I was glad that I had a mobile, that I'd never used, until that point. If you've never experienced a similar incident - then maybe not nice to pre-judge. As for modern techno - I can raise you - HDE big flat screen tv with the B&O sound-bar etc etc.   And box with all gizmos, rewinds, pauses you can name. Chessie
  16. Call me Bett - there's such a thing as 'pay as you go'...   Daughter picked up phone for me in UK - cost 79 pence and pre-loaded with some £££s - that can be 'topped up' when necessary.    So not much cost involved, no contract, no nothing. Just one emergency phone, with money, that'll get me out of any problem.    Why should I want anything more.    Can contact anyone I need by e-mail or land-line - not a problem. We lead different lives - so my emergency mobile is all I need. As for remembering it - well - it sits in my handbag, with my french and UK credit cards, my french carte vitale, my french driving licence, and my purse containing cash etc.   I do remember to charge it up once a week.... that's all I need to remember.   And as I always, but always, carry my handbag then I always have my mobile.   So what's to forget ? I feel sorry for some people who are always 'plugged into' their Ipads, mobiles etc - they seem to live their lives in a bubble;  as in 'I'm so important, must follow social media, friends have to be able to speak to me instantly - they might forget me if they can't get hold of me right now, this instant....' Don't need, don't want, don't like. You live most of your life (I presume) in the UK and need to be in contact with everyone because of your busy working life, social life etc. I live in France; I'm retired - I no longer need that 'urgent, busy, important' mode of life any more - thank goodness.  Looking back I'm amazed at the stress and pressure I coped with - and am so relieved that I don't have to be permanently plugged into mobiles and 'always contactable because I was so 'irreplacable, essential, etc etc'.    Chessie
  17. You can call - hmmm - interesting points about an Ipad. Mobile phone - aaahhhh - but Betty I'm not being 'rude' - because I have never told anyone my mobile phone number.   It's for emergency use only ie if the landline goes down for a day or so, but, very important out here - in case the car breaks down - and I get stranded !!   That is the one and only reason - and no-one knows the number.    So I can't be rude by not answering - cos there's no-one gonna phone me !!    In case of such an emergency - it'll be a phone call to the garage or emergency break-down insurance number - not anyone else carrying a 'switched off' mobile. It's one of the many differences between living in the UK and living in the French out-back. Chessie
  18. OK Idun - accept your challenge. You wrote - Me, this is as much as I can manage for hours. My pad is useless and often won't even show the board, and due to recent surgery, cannot sit here at my pc for more than five minutes without being in great pain, and that frankly puts me off. So WHY have you got a useless Ipad - order one online for heavens sake - and then you can post as much as you want. Ah - I'm sorry you're not well - don't like the sound of that 'painful surgery' - wot you dun to yuself me old butt ? Maybe the Ipads aren't such a great idea;  not a clue cause I don't want, don't need, and not inclined to spend a lot of money just to flash around something expensive to get lost, get broken, or stolen.   Not for me. Only have a mobile phone, never switched on - for emergency use only. Call me old-fashioned...do I care, nope !!! Chessie
  19. Excuse me - can understand your rant - but must pull you up on a point or two, please, if you don't mind. Do NOT refer to the UK as 'little england' - it demeans you - rather than the UK. Many of us Brits living here in France did vote 'leave' -; on the understanding that it might affect us adversely but for many there are deep concerns about the future direction of the eu. The UK was never really a 'leading voice' within the eu;  there was a survey recently which showed that 70% of our new laws came from the eu;  and that many montions proposed by the UK - figure of 72 mentioned - ALL were out-voted.   The UK was never regarded by either France or Germany as a 'player';  and the remaining little european countries took their lead from the Big 2. We're getting away from the original post, which is a shame.   We've discussed Brexit many times, and if you'd like to continue then maybe we need a new thread.   But, buddy, can I presume you're a lovely American....and maybe don't quite understand the history of the UK and the eu.   Please remember that when the UK was taken into the 'common market' - it destroyed our fishing communities, we were told to cut ties with the Commonwealth - and were promised 'no loss of sovereignty'. The PM who lied to the voters about that act, and admitted 30 years later to blatant lying to the voters - has been regarded as one of the biggest traitors in UK history by many of us. Happy to discuss further - but start a new thread, please. Regards - Chessie.
  20. Nomoss - thanks for that info.   So on that principle of 'remove from own area' - they will supposedly feel no 'kinship' with the people they are 'policing'. Hmmm - now what does that say about the eu army ?   Where are the conscripts from each country likely to be trained, and posted ?   Because the eu army is well on the way;  long time planning and now the UK is leaving the eu then the likes of Verstiwotsits, and drunker et al will not be held back any longer.   The UK was always regarded as a 'barrier' to all their integration plans - the ever-closer union super-state. I'm very glad mention was made of the 'status quo';  those so in favour of remaining never seemed to be able to look further than the end of their own noses and contemplate the future eu in 20 years time.  It was ignored, or the UK was supposed to 'lead from the front' or 'use influence within' - which totally ignored the fact that the UK was out-voted on so many occasions there was absolutely no way the UK was ever have been ALLOWED to use influence or lead from inside.  The 'status quo' was not an option - but seldom was that addressed by the remainers. That's a side issue - sorry. But it was always one of my concerns about the eu army;  where would they be trained - and seeing what's happened in Spain - Now imagine for yourselves - an eu army called in - comprising soldiers from Greece, Germany, Poland - NONE from Spain. We think the scenes on Sunday were bad; and those were Spanish against Spanish. Now imagine 'foreign' soldiers - using the same force on Spanish people. Doesn't that worry anyone ? Chessie
  21. Poor little cat - probably doesn't understand why she's being attacked all the time. Love the idea of the corks;  but do hope the windscreen washer idea works. Best of luck - Chessie
  22. Be careful when any bank sends you a letter asking about ID or tax residency. They are 'only obeying orders' - see the EU banking & saving directive. Every financial institution and bank HAS to confirm to the powers that be that every customer has been checked, their ID checked, their place of residence, their tax residency..... An eu Directive - not the banks' fault - the eu. We, the little people, are all regarded as the usual suspects of being terrorists, money-launderers etc etc - yet go and look at those who set up these Diktats - Juncker - former PM of the country with the largest number of tax evasion corporations ever; and the whole rest of the eu cabal - the likes of Prodi, Barrossa (Goldman Sachs recruit) - just look at them all. We the little ones just get our faces stamped into the ground......and we have no option but to complete all the forms (like the bank a/c forms every year for the french tax so-and-so's) - because if we do not - then the big bullies will freeze our accounts, close our accounts - take our money......we have no option. The point about having bank accounts in both France and UK is a serious one;  look at what is happening with Deutsche Bank at the moment - and there is talk that a French bank could be in a similar situation.   Look at Cyprus and what happened there - ordinary people found they had days when they couldn't access their money. Keep bank accounts in both countries;  keep several accounts with both banks - then spread your money - don't give 'them' any opportunity to make life more difficult for us. And it certainly helps when writing cheques at Christmas for people living in the UK - so they can be given UK cheques;  can't see them being so happy with French cheque in euros - they want their Christmas spending money - in proper money !!! Chessie
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