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Everything posted by chessie

  1. Oh goodness - this lovely conversation has wandered off in 2 completely directions. Let's separate them a bit - Keys & CGs - EricD - you're a star;  I'll send you a private pm and take you up on your offer of help. Amazing helpful advice on here;  certainly had not thought of ANTS system, thanks Judith, Lori and Gardian;  think this could be very useful to others and maybe if any Mod is on here, thought should be given to including the helpful info under one of the FAQ 'Lost driving licence' - because the advice and help has been remarkable - thanks. With EricD's help I hope we can get duplicate keys. I'll try and have 3 keys so that I can dput one away somewhere safe; I've also taken copies of the CGs and insurance slips as a 'just in case'. In the grand scheme of things a lump of metal parked outside the house that we can't drive, and is over 20 years old, isn't the end of the world !! - - - - - Alzy - I threw a wobbly, and was under stress.  Decided to take a step back, clear my head and think.   Part of the problem is that in previous couple of weeks I'd been stressed out looking for tax/financial papers for dreaded french tax return that I knew we'd had but couldn't find.   So I had to ask him; which led to another row. Then I found that, amongst other things, he'd opened some letters addressed to me.......and which I hadn't seen. The CG's have been found;  and yes, in one of his 'secret' hiding places.   I stood over him, in the bedroom, while he was more or less forced to disclose hiding places so that we could find the CGs.    We also found that he had tucked away, in 2 old wallets, several hundred euros......- surprise to me, and he said to him, but which he described as 'emergency money' (in case he loses a credit card or bank card - again !!). Now that I know 'secret hiding places' - fine.  But they're not secret anymore, so I'm wondering if he's now going to find other hiding places...... oh life is never dull is it. Lori - never be afraid of holding out a helping hand - I'm grabbing both your hands here, and anyone else's;  all our friends are mutual friends, and I would feel very disloyal talking to them about him and the problems.   My only family is in UK, and with the situation there as it is at the moment, the last thing I would ever do is lumber them with 'odd' behaviour out here. I had discovered about the Alzy assoc in Eymet a few weeks ago but thanks for the info;  when the situation gets back to normal then I'm going to call in for a chat and advice. OH regards himself as 'perfect', nothing wrong with him - it's all me and my imagination.   But think time is approaching when definite steps need to be taken about diagnosis.   Thank you everyone for your kindness, help, support and generosity - you've been a tremendous group, and I have really appreciated it all. Thank you - Chessie
  2. EricD - may I come back to you with details - later.  And I do appreciate your help, really do. This is what I have to live with. I went out to Citroen to get the CG - it's gone. I checked in the Golf - the CG for the Golf - is gone. Both CG's not where they should be.   And I KNOW they were in each car only a few days ago. He's removed CG's. I've just asked him what he';s done with them. I get the 'Don't know, didn't have them, didn't touch them, why should I have moved them......didn't do it, why am I always asking him questions.......... I know I didn't move them. I've now been subjected to a full scale rant from him, that he's not touched the CGs, it's all my fault, along with a lot of swearing, bad tempered shouting and slamming of doors. He's now lying on the bed pretending to be asleep. While I'm here in tears of absolute b---y frustration - I can't cope, I just can't....... I'm trying to help - all I get is bad tempered abuse. I'm sorry; turning into miserable story of my miserable life !!!  Sorry. Chessie
  3. Thank you everyone - you really are wonderful people on here - you have no idea how grateful I am. The 'tank' is French, LHD, was new when reg in France in 1996 - the insurance costs more than the wretched thing is worth !! I've wanted the thing changed for last 5 years, so maybe, psychologically, I'm holding back fromj contacting insurers or key specialists - mainly because I know the cost will be far more than the thing is worth, and I really don't feel like helping him out in a problem of his own making !!! Ericd - oh aren't just amazing - how kind of you.   Yes, we have carte gris;  My french isn't very good;  do you think if we went to Citroen dealer in nearest large town they'd be able to help us ?   Taking the CG for the Citroen with us ? I do love this site - so many helpful, amazing people - thank you. Chessie
  4. Oh thank goodness you are honest - it's not just me who's a bit untidy then !! Have had other problems for last few weeks;  turning the house upside down looking for lost keys has definitely not helped the clutter level, along with the 'don't throw anything out - the keys might be in there...' - and it's just led to a hugely glorified mess, muddle and clutter. Plus I'm a bit of a hoarder anyway. So yes, knowing we're not likely to have any visitors has led to huge general mess. I like Quentin Crisp's comments about cleanliness/housework along the lines of 'Don't dust for 4 years - it finds its own level and then stops......'  !!! But can feel a fairly major tidy up, spring clean on the way. Although if we are to have glorious sunshine, as forecast, in next couple of weeks - who the heck wants to be swanning around with vac and duster - when there's glorious sunshine outside !! At least we're all still here, have survived the 'threat' - and looking forward to normality asap. Clear blue skies are lovely though aren't they - no jet trails. Chessie
  5. Sue - thanks so much for words of advice.   Sadly, it's only until the alzy person does something as stupid as putting both car keys on one ring does one realise that such stupdity can happen - and by then it's too damn late.... Trying to do forward planning is fine - but I get the feeling that one can't cover everything that might happen.   Like this !!!   Hope others who are reading this will take it as a warning !!! - and be prepared. Too late for us now. Keys have not been found.   Place has been turned upside down.   Every place where 'possibly' they might be;  and every place where they 'couldn't possibly be there...' - and we've not found them. Ericd -all the lovely advice I have been given was very welcome - but I didn't mention, in first post, that this Xantia (which I call 'The Tank') - is over 20 years old, and therefore doesn't have the ECU gubbins - which would have helped - even though it would not have been an inexpensive option. Not really sure what to do.    Except maybe WB's lovely, first, suggestion of hot-wiring the damn thing. Can any 'hot wire' be made reasonably safe - and permanent.   The fact that it would mean the doors and boot can't be locked wouldn't be a problem - no-one would want the horrible thing.......in fact I'd be a very happy bunny if it did get stolen !!!!!!! It's 64 weeks now since keys were 'lost';  I honestly think that they are well and truly lost - though goodness knows where......... If I had my way I'd get it towed to local scrap yard;  have wanted newer car for last 5 years but 'he' doesn't want newer car.   Friend of mine pointed out that maybe, because of early Alzy, that he might actually  be worried/frightened of driving a more modern, up-to-date, all electric buttons everywhere type of car and this might explain his reluctance to change car. I think he's just b----y mean........ !! Oh happy days, happy marriage......... So no real news I'm afraid; no solution;  just hope some of you take note of possible future problems - and how to avoid them. And to those who've addressed the Alzy problem - thanks for sympathy, info and support.   I have a horrible feeling I'm going to need more support in the not too distant future. Thank you everyone; - keep smiling. Chessie
  6. You've all been remarkably helpful, and your kindness is much appreciated. Believe me, I really am stressed out about this.   All 'he's' doing at the moment is sitting slumped in front of the tv, expecting me to find the keys, or 'sort out the problem'. It's a pre-2000 car, both keys 'locked' everything with one press of the button on the key pad.   There's a lot to be said for having a classic car with just mechanical gubbins - all this high-tech electronic stuff is great - then you lose a key !! It's not the 'right' time either with offices on 'remote' working, and restrictions on visiting. Feel like just leaving it, let him stew for a bit longer !! Somehow it's become all my fault anyway (part of the Alzy syndrome). It's not until an event like this that one begins to realise just how 'crafty' I'll have to become to ensure we don't have a situation like this again. So it's a case of hunt down car keys, house keys, deed box keys - get copies made of everything - and hide them away securely. Sadly, I've discovered that he's starting going through my handbag, and my clothes drawers....without asking me.   Which feels a bit 'odd'. Thanks for great help and advice, and the good wishes - even the 'dowsing' hasn't helped. This will soon pass - Chessie
  7. Hadn't expected such quick responses - you're all wonderful. WB - oh I love you - think the hot wire might be great idea - any chance it could be 'dangerous' to he who drives the car ? !!! Nomoss - and you're wonderful as well - thank you.   Do you mean you went to the trouble of making a call to check on info - you really did that for me - oh XXX Pomme - thank you - hadn't thought about insurance aspect; - you is another wonderful person. I'll 'hang fire' on the contact info you gave, Nomoss;  - I'll contact our insurance people on Monday. Thinking about using some dowsing rods - maybe the keys fell out of his pocket when he waas walking the 'estate'.   The grass is long at the moment because our friendly local farmer with a powerful grass cutter hasn't been able to cut grass for last 8 weeks.   We've now got knee high grass with daisies, and clover and other flowers.   I love it - forget mowing the lawn, I'm not bothered.   OH thinks otherwise, and doesn't understand why our friend hasn't made visit to cut the grass - OH  turned up at his home to ask him to cut the grass once already - during lockdown !!  I'd already explained, several times, what 'lockdown' means - but OH still went to call on farmer.  OH thinks we should have an English suburban lawn.... and I have always wanted to let it grow and cut just twice a year.   Looks as though I'm getting my wish this year !!!! Thanks again you lovely people - given me some good ideas. Night night - Chessie
  8. My OH, in early stages of Alzy, is really causing me problems - I'm stressed out here. For some unknown reason he put BOTH keys to the Citroen on ONE key ring. He has now LOST that key-ring.   We have NO keys to the Citroen.   It's sitting on the drive, unlocked, but totally useless. Our second car, my little one, is at the garage; having failed its CT it is 'waiting parts' and won't be available until start of June - so I have no car. The Citroen at the moment is our only car - and we can't use it. Here I'm going to write the words we all hate - but I'm going to do it anyway. 'In the UK' (sorry !!) there are mobile locksmiths who will turn up on your driveway, or wherever, if you've locked yourself out of the car or have similar disasters.  Replacement keys can be provided. Does anyone know if there are similar tradespeople out here ?   What are they called ? Or does anyone have any advice, or helpful comments, please.   We've spent last 10 days turning the house upside down, and going through every single rubbish bag....   At the moment OH is in the doghouse....and I'm so fed up because, with lockdown, can't even go to a friend's home and cry on her shoulder. Really finding it difficult out here now.....feel I'm having to take responsibility for everything because he 'doesn't know what to do'. Word of advice to everyone - try to have an extra set of important keys that can be 'put away' somewhere safe and only needed/used in dire emergency. Any advice or help would be very much appreciated. Chessie (in utter despair and on edge of nervous breakdown !!)
  9. Hi Judith - Thanks.  Of course 'they' won't - because they're all blasted men in power !! Give me a world of women - PD James wrote a book on that didn't she ? !! Joking apart - I'd read far, far too many sci-fi and environmental books when I was growing up from Arthur C Clark right through to Havelock and many others. There were a great many warnings for the future of mankind in those books - the environmental damage, the control by 'cults' (from religious to the weirdos); over-population - lot of insight in those books. When I talk about over-population I get shouted at as wanting 'ethnic cleansing' etc etc.  Of course I don't, but there needs to be huge changes in the way people look at the world and its resources.   Sadly, and here I'll be in trouble, religion - which is about control, and lack of birth control all add to the problems.  Plus the control of women by various religions, the lack of education for young women in many parts of the world, and the brutal treatment of young girls all comes down to men and religion. And please don't get me started on the barbarity, the cruelty, the stupidity of what happened in China, and round the world, as regards animals.   Which leads to why I feel the way I do about mankind;  the planet would be happier without us. Which does NOT mean I 'hate' my fellow man;   I do not.  I support many animal charities, but also humanitarian ones, and sponsorship as well. But on the whole- well........as another poster pointed out, maybe another virus will indeed kill off the majority because it's the only way the planet, and its animals and plants, can survive for the future. And on that happy note    Was going to say this will soon be over, the swallows will be here soon - but apparently vast numbers have died caught up in the storms in the eastern Med - which is tragic.   Keep telling them every autumn they should stay this side of the Med... they don't listen. Chessie
  10. I rather think that Mother Earth/nature will be extremely pleased to see the back of us.   We really are a parasitic species and destroy so much that is beautiful. Anyone remember Carl Sagan?   The American astro/physicist in charge of the Golden Record; he also suggested to NASA that they should turn one of the Voyager space craft around to take 'a look back at Earth, and the planets' as it left the solar system.   Staggering series of photos . Carl Sagan also, in one of his lectures about the Voyagers, and highlighting our little blue planet surrounded by the vastness of space - said (I've probably got the quote a bit wrong but bear with me...) - that after millions of years maybe the only evidence of mankind might be the Voyagers, that mankind would no longer exist - but the earth would continue without us. I always took 'the meek' to mean the animals..... !! We've had floods, plagues of locusts, the volcanoes are kicking off, and now a virus. Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse anyone !!! As for the Hares and Chickens - like many other pre-Christian Celtic symbols been 'nabbed' by the Church.   Didn't the ancient Egyptians worship cats?   And the Minoans the Bull ?   Don't the Indians regard the cow as sacred ? Weird old world isn't it ? Keep coping everyone - we'll survive. Chessie XX
  11. Grecian - here to clarify my OP - it was in response to BinB's very rude comments to WB.   WB's inoffensive post about JC who was then accused of 'being nasty'.   So I stuck up for WB and replied to BinB in robust terms. No confusion - not in my mind anyway !! Chessie
  12. OK - here's the cynical, aetheist take on these idiots. Fine - their 'religion' makes them immune. But if it doesn't then surely they'll just go on to the Promised Land where only believers in their cult will be allowed !!!!!!!!!! Remember Dave Allen joke;  Hell is for the drinkers and fornicaters - in Heaven they just sing hymns and play harps. He knew where he'd want to be - with those having fun in Hell !!!! Oh dear.   This 'imprisonment' is getting to me - or maybe the sunshine - or the increased consumption of wine !! Sorry if I've offended anyone. Chessie
  13. BinB - how on earth can you type that comment ?   The OP is in NO way any of those offensive, disgusting, terms you have used.   In fact before you start finger pointing, remember there's fingers pointing back at you.  JC was a disgrace;  read Starmer's comments about having to 'root out' the hatred buried deep within labour towards the Jews.   Anyone, in their right mind, will have despised corbean for his wishy washy, cuddling up to terorists, hatred of the uk attitude.   The voters saw through him.   The man destroyed any remnants of support from decent people.   He led the so-called labour party to its worst defeat for generations.    You think the OP is the only person to feel the corbean was an absolute and utter disgrace, shamed the labour party, and let down the traditional labour voters.   And you have the brass cheek to come on here and find such honest, forth-right language offensive Really ? Truly ? You honestly believe what you've written ? You should be ashamed.... Chessie
  14. All good, interesting points, especially about people - now they're not working and unable to buy lunch from various places, then yes - they'll be doing larger food shops. One other point that the media hysteria seems to overlook is that people have been told to self-isolate - to not go out.   In which case of course they'll want to 'stock up' to carry them over a week or 10 days, as long as possible.   So joe public is damned for going out to stock up, and then damned for so-called panic buying. Wish there was more nuanced balanced news from the media.  As for my big shop of over 100 euros - in fairness that's to last 10 - 14 days; although I suppose if I didn't buy the 3 or 4 boxes of wine I could spend less.......!!!!!!! Thanks for chat everyone Chessie (I've been on another french forum for 'chats' as well - my crumbs talk about unfriendly over there; at least here there's reasonable chat, and nice people.....help keep me sane - thanks everyone   )
  15. Reports of the uk panic-buying makes me ashamed, and furious at those idiots. Haven't been to local Intermarche for last 10 days; now running low on bread, milk, yoghurts and other stuff. Just seen report from a uk french resident who said that some shops are limiting the number of customers in stores at any one time, and that there is a limit of 100 euros spend each time to avoid the stupidity and greed and mass panicking that we're seeing in the UK. I normally do a 'big' shop, and I'd very much like to do the same tomorrow to avoid having to go out again for another 10 - 14 days. Anyone know if the 100 euros spend limit is widespread ? Anyone heard of this;  probably a big city solution and not happening out in rural France - but anyone heard or experienced this ? Was going to volunteer to shop for neighbour, but 100 spend limit might make that difficult. Chessie
  16. Thank goodness it's not the wrecking crew of the red corbin lot in charge; whatever restrictions, pilfering of this that and everything else - you can be damn sure that after this crisis is over - they would NOT be removing many of the restrictions/tax changes brought in under 'emergency' conditions. At least with the PM I get the impression that he is liked, he appears to have a competent set of ministers, he has the support of the majority of the country, he's managed pretty well so far.   He, along with his team, have really had a 'baptism of fire' - and I actually feel sorry for him, and them, because it's not only a war crisis, but there's also Brexit in the mix - and he and the team have got a hell of a lot to deal with. Bearing all that in mind - they are doing as good a job as possible and following the medical and scientific advice, rather than allowing themselves to be 'nagged;' and bullied by the Twitterati z-list facebook lot who regularly took to sneering at those who voted Tory and Brexit.   It's a relief that that load of numpties have gone quiet. It's a case of whatever the government does, there's always a group who will criticise; there's always a group with 'hindsight/foresight' who know so much more, and so much better than anyone else.    At least they think they do - but they damn well don't - because nobodoy knows to deal effectively with this Chinese virus. It will be interesting, once it's over, to see whether various countries stand back, take a deep breath, and re-assess their dependence on China.   Because the JIT supply lines are broken - and we can see for ourselves that such reliance on one country to produce so much of our 'stuff', at low wages, is NOT the best way for a people, for a country - or for the world. And until China bans totally THEIR OBSCENE, FILTHY, DISGUSTING, CRUEL WET MARKETS where this virus has come from, as did MERS and SARS and Bird flu, I, for one, would love to boycott where possible anything made in china. I had an uncle who was in Japan (in Marines ?) - during WW2;  after the horrors he saw there he vowed he would never, ever buy anything from Japan if he possibly could avoid it - and that extended to their cars. Maybe we should all re-assess what we buy, and where it comes from. But I certainly have the impression that the Government are doing the very best they can; and to be honest the idea of TM in charge would fill me with despair, gloom and depression (imagine that face, and that voice, announcing closing this, that and everything else - drive one to drink).    And if that load of red commies were in charge I'd definitely feel like fleeing the country asap when possible.   In fact, had I been living in the UK and those red idiots had become the UK's government I would have left the country asap.  Having seen the damage caused by their trade union commie idiots which destroyed our manufacturing during the 70's, I'd have done a runner - and encouraged my daughter and family to have done the same. So yes, I'm extremely glad - for my UK's family sake, that this lot are in charge. There's my colours nailed to the mast....... Chessie (why haven't we got an emitcon with a stirring spoon ? !!!)
  17. Here's this from today's Guardian - very interesting reading. Now I know why my supermarket was running low on some items - pate de fois grasse, the oysters, the champers - and the toilet rolls !!!!.... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/18/thank-you-parisians-dont-bring-the-virus-plea-from-rural-france I was more worried about family in UK rather than ourselves living here in bucolic france - until I read this - now I'm not feeling so safe !!!  As if we don't have enough to worry about;  plus I've run out of ink for my printer to print the permit to make my escape from gumpy OH.... Chessie
  18. Nomoss;  I didn't give a list of everything the french ate - I don't believe we're comparing two similar situations here, at all. For the record I'm vegetarian. On a personal level I find the idea of eating live oysters totally repugnant; I do indeed know about how frogs are treated - but if people wish to eat frogs then you're quite correct - they should know how the frogs are cruelly hacked about whilst alive. I find all the foodie items you mentioned to be disgusting, have never wanted to eat and will not eat any one of them.  I'm aware of the cruelty involved in some iof the french foodie items - sickening. But I don't believe many of those gruesome items pose any real serious health risk to the whole world do they ?   Nor do they involve the slaughter of endangered species do they ? Chessie
  19. This virus is believed to have come directly from the Chinese 'wet' markets.   What the french choose to eat bears absolutely no resemblance to what goes on in those 'wet' markets.   They are disgusting; cruel, filthy, vile.   Check out some of the web sites - there are plenty - which will give you complete information on what goes on.   The Chinese practice of eating anything, including bats for heavens sake, is a crime against nature and the planet - anything wild it seems.  For some reason the dear little Pangoline has become popular - and could soon become extinct thanks to the Chinese.  The markets also sell animals alive;   please educate yourselves about these 'wet' markets.   Whatever the french choose to eat bears no comparison with what the Chinese get up to. An indication of which is the infamous Dog markets;  for real hair-raising cruelty and distress go and check out some of those web-sites if anyone is not aware of them.   And I know how many of you feel about Mr Trump - but in this he is correct - it IS a Chinese virus and is down to their 'wet' markets - with all the animal cruelty and filth involved. Chessie.
  20. The next few weeks are going to be 'fun'.  Divorce figures rise after the Christmas/New Year break in the UK - for many reasons but spending too much time in close proximity with family for an extended period leads to trouble... !! We now have the spectre of every social venue being closed; people working from home where possible, the elderly confined indoors, and children on a long break from school. Oh what a situation for all sorts of tensions to occur !!!! What's the betting the divorce lawyers are rubbing their hands - and the divorce figures peak once this 'black swan' event peters out............. I know, I know - it's just my 'twisted' outlook on life, marriage, family - and fate !!! Chessie
  21. Mint - oh - good point !!!  Or maybe it was 'bucket and chuck-it' !!! - wasn't that the french way for many years.... Chessie
  22. David & Nick P - there's always one - just ignore !! Sorry your plans might have to be put on 'hold' - it's really a case of wait and see. I've read some reports which state that the number of cases peaks very quickly, and then falls back just as quickly. Them in charge haven't got a clue - that's the way I look at things, and there's a lot of media induced and herd instinct panic going on. It's the elderly most at risk - and I hope most of them have families to rally round and help. Times like this I'm reminded of that Chinese 'curse' - 'May you live in interesting times';  well, they certainly have become interesting haven't they !! Keep safe everyone; spring's here, summer's on its way - and in 4 or 5 months time we'll wonder why we all (or some) became so paranoid and panicky.   Didn't our grand-parents use cut-up squares of newspaper instead of toilet roll for years and years !!!!!!!   Sometimes the old ways.........!! Regards to everyone - we'll all be fine. Chessie 
  23. Oh Sue - I feel your pain. That's happened to me before now - I - somehow - discovered that if I hit the little 'control' button on left-hand bottom side of keyboard that sometimes it will come back. Don't know why it disappeared - but I've found sometimes that's a 'trick' that has worked - at least for me, but then I'm only using basic Windows 10 - I'm still in the dark ages where computer techie stuff is concerned. Strangely though, I find if you've already typed it (and obviously talked about your weird/funny experience), once you start typing again most of it will come back to your brain and fingers. But believe me - I really sympathise. Chessie
  24. Interesting replies.   Yes Mint, Judith and Kong - think I shall try making my own salmon spread - good idea. Zoff - yes, was aware of this;  have seen videos and reports - extremely disturbing and distressing, but sadly something we 'forget', rather not know about.   Dreadful to consider the cruelties inflicted on animals so that people can eat meat and dairy.   But is there any real substitute for eggs?   Anyway, I think the animal cruelty aspect would need to be started in another post.  But thanks for this gruesome reminder - and hope that it is soon changed. Yes Kong - I bow to your knowledge - it would seem to be intolerance rather than allergy.   The reference to Tofu made me stop and think - yes, I am 'allergic' to Tofu.   The one time I ate a reasonably large amount of Tofu (as meat sub in a pie) - I nearly collapsed, couldn't breathe, almost blacked-out - now that was an allergic reaction.   So can't eat Tofu. But it's the use of soya in hen feed - which has caused my 'intolerance' reactions.   Recommendations seem to be to try to obtain eggs that have specially high content of Omega 3, which I presume means the hens are fed a different balance of feed, and maybe not just soya based. Those who like their steak tartare - maybe it's the raw eggs causing problems ? Thanks for interesting replies - As always you lovely helpful posters - Chessie
  25. I'm someone who is a 'soft' vegetarian; won't eat meat but do eat fish, cheese and eggs. I've recently had an allergic reaction to a UK salmon fish paste (yeah, I know, how very old-fashioned and down-market but loved my salmon spread sandwiches with slices of cucumber - what I grew up on and love). I recently over-dosed on the salmon sandwiches - and had a nasty allergic reaction.   I looked at the label on the fish-paste jar - and it contains added Soya Protein Concentrate.   What the ---? Seems I'm allergic to the soya - so can't have my lovely fish-paste sandwiches any more - sad. But I've also developed a weird allergy to eggs.  I can eat them scrsmbld without any real problem, but soft-boiled eggs, or poached eggs - and I end up feeling extremely sick after a few hours. Only developed over last few years, so not a childhood allergy. I've done some checking.   It appears that most hens, free range or caged, are fed soya supplements.    Which then ends up in the eggs, and is concentrated in the yolks.   And soft yolks seems to trigger the allergic reaction. I've always bought the free range eggs here in France, as I did in the UK. I now need to find eggs that are specifically 'rich in Omega 3'. As I've always looked for the free-range eggs I've never looked particularly for the Omega 3 type eggs. Has anyone on here had similar allergic reaction to eggs or to food products that have hidden soya added to them ? And anyone know if I can easily find the special 'Omega 3' eggs ? Wasn't certain if this post should have been in 'food' section, or 'animal welfare' - so I thought I'd cover all bases and post on 'General' - after all that's where everyone looks, and you're all so knowledgeable and helpful about everything maybe this is the best section !! Will be interested in responses - Chessie
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