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  1. Hi, we are about to sign the Compromise de Vente when our solicitor told us that the house was free from termites but it had some evidence of Capricorn infestation in the report in certain areas of the house.  We have never heard of these and the solicitor said that this is not as bad as termites.  The house is nr Villefranche de Rouergue so we wanted to know if these would be a big problem.  Should I also mention this to the agent as this may cost us alot of money to put right could we ask for a reduction in the price. Any help advice would be appreciated. Tracey  
  2. Thanks for your info, but NO we haven't signed any papers to view any properties with this agency.  We just happened to be visiting a town 40K away when we saw the property cheaper in another agency, we hadn't even looked at it then.  The next day we were meant to see a property in the Tarn but were told that it may have had a problem with termite so we decided to stay away.  We arranged to visit the property in question and it ticked all the correct boxes with what we are looking for.  The little french farmer seemed really sweet as he was telling me what all the plants were in French thats when I noticed the little hand written boards outside the house.  So the next day we visited the house again without the agent and I wrote the telephone number down and when I got home I rang my french teacher who then rang the little french farmer and found out that the property was 122,000 Euros (Agency 135,000 euros). So my question is at what price should I put an offer in?  I know that we need the agent because all the paperwork as I don't speak french well enough to deal with all the legal side.  What do I do I would like to get the property for the lowest price as we would need to put central heating in and do some work on the roof. Any help would be appreciated. Tracey
  3. Hi, We have found a property in France through an agency and found the property 4,000 euros cheaper with another agency also the property is being sold by the owner as a private sale and we have found out that they want 13,000 euros less than what the agency is selling it for. How much under the asking price should I offer?  I am not sure what the process is? The house is 135,000 euros, in the other agency 131,000 and privately 122,000 how much of this does the agency take fees are included in the above price? Any help would be appreciated. Tracey
  4. Today it really dawned on me that yes we are actually on our way to France as we pack our belongings into storage ready to move out on Tuesday.  We are moving in with my parents for a few weeks whilst we find somewhere to suitable to rent.  The only time I thought Oh god what the hell am I doing taking my 2 young children aged 5yrs and 7yrs out of school away from there friends, were at there school leavers assembly and yes I did shed a few tears along with a friend of mine who's children are in the same classes who are moving to Brittany on 17th August.  It was nice to have someone in the same boat if you know what I mean. We are excited about our new adventure afterall life is to short and life is for living but at the same time scared for the unknown but I hope in a few years I will see the benefits of moving to France. Well if anyone would like to tell me there stories I would appreciate it. Tracey
  5. Hi we have been looking to buy a property for renovation and the roof needs doing in the Aveyron area.  It has Lauze Roof Tiles and wondered if anybody had a rough idea how much these are per sqm or if you have had this style of roof doing how much did it cost to be done properly. Any help would be appreciated.   Tracey & Mark
  6. I wanted to know if there was anybody in Dept 12 who knows of any House Rental Agencies in the area nr Rodez. We are moving nr Rodez in September but the house we are buying needs complete renovation so we need to rent a house nearby.  I have tried looking on the Internet but it only brings up holiday lets.  Also we would like to hear your experiences of moving to the Aveyron, we have 2 children aged 5yrs and 7yrs and would like to meet people in the area. Many thanks   Tracey
  7. We will shortley moving to the Aveyron Region.  My husband as been a fencer for the last 16yrs and we were wondering if there were a need for this kind of service.  We've heard about the new regulations for saftey fencing that is now required for all below ground swimming pools and would like any information regarding this.  Do you have to be registered as an Artisan to do this kind of work?  Regards Tracey
  8. We are moving to the Aveyron Region this year.  I am looking for information regarding fencing i.e. swimming pools, gardens etc.   My husband has been a fencer for 16rs and wondered is there is a need for fencers there.  We heard about the new law for swimming pools and wondered if you had to be registered as an Artisan for this type of trade?  Any help would be useful. Many thanks Tracey
  9. We are looking into moving to the region of Averyon soon.  We have two children aged 4yrs and 6yrs.  We are having french lessons.  Please could anybody give us some information regarding working as a builder on a self-employed basis as I know that it is illegal to work without the necessary documentation.  If anybody could let me know how to go about this it would be much appreciated.  Also I would like to hear from anybody else who has made the move to this region to hear there experiences. Regards Tracey
  10. Hi, We are looking into moving to France and I would like any information on being self employed in France?  My husband is a builder/fencer in England and we are hoping that maybe he would be able to work for an artisan on a self-employed basis any information would be much appreciated as I know that it is allegal to work without this? Tracey
  11. We live in a town called Bishop's Stortford in Herts.  We live 5 minutes from Stansted Airport which in time is due to expand not only with new runways but lots of new housing but NO new schools or hospitals for the area which is already bursting to the seems.   Tracey
  12. We are leaving Britain for Averyon region soon.  As we are fed up with the way the country is heading.  We lived in a nice area up until a few years ago but it is going down hill fast.  I just want a better life for my children and for them to experience life without playing computer games, watching the tv and junk food and the yobbish behaviour that the town is under.  My children are 4yrs and 6yrs I want them to be able to play in the garden without worrying if their's any weirdo's watching from the fence.  It's coming up to xmas and watching the childrens xmas nativity is lovely time accept if you want to video it for your husband to see you are now no longer allowed to take pictures or video your own children just in case this is not for your own use it gets worse and worse.  I know that every country has these problems but children are not children for long in Britain they are made to grow up so much more quicker.   My husband is a builder and he works 6 days and week and I work on his day off just to pay the bills and the mortgage.  We just want a much slower pace of life, some time together, our children to have a better culture and upbringing and we want a whole new life.  We are having french lessons and want to mix with the community.  Over here its all about what you have and what you havn't got, what your wearing, what your driving etc.  We can't wait for our new life, we know its going to be hard but we are willing to give it a go after all what have we got to loose.  We don't want to say in 20yrs time we should have done that.   Tracey
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