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Complete France Forum


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Everything posted by Sprogster

  1. If not an EU citizen, then work permits would be required. However, if you are a highly paid, qualified and therefore probably wealthy investment banker, then work permits are not a problem! Especially, if it helps European financial centres compete with London, New York and Singapore. Most countries, including France, Spain, Italy and the UK are very keen to attract wealthy individuals, who will make a valuable financial contribution to their treasuries, to the extent they will offer tax incentives.
  2. The Schengen rules for visiting UK citizens will be less flexible than for EU citizens visiting the UK. A citizen from the EU will be able to visit the UK for up to six months a year, all in one block if they wish. A UK citizen visiting the EU will be restricted to 90 days out of 180. So if you have a second home in the EU, if you stay there ninety days, you cannot return to anywhere in the Schengen area for 90 days. So if you visit any EU country except Ireland, you are going to have to be careful you do not exceed 90 out of 180 days on a rolling basis.
  3. Sorry to hear about Sunday Driver. I sold my house in France three years ago, so have not posted for quite a while, as my French experiences are probably out of date and now being in the USA, am too far away. This is the first year in decades I have not been in France, so occasionally I have a peak at the Forum, to reminisce, as it is still bookmarked on my computer. Take care and keep safe everyone!
  4. Forums like this pre-date smart phones/tablets, social media like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter and are therefore struggling. Home PC's are in terminal decline replaced by smart phones, for which Forums were not designed, as the younger generation increasingly use apps to interface with the Web. I am not sure the number of members this Forum have is reflective of active members, with the vast majority historic. All very sad and because we are getting older!
  5. So pleased for you both at the good news. From my own experience with the big 'C', there is a hidden blessing, in that you emerge with a far more positive perspective on life and it puts ones day to day problems and challenges in perspective 
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